Natives Rifle Club 2019 Results

Match 3 - Aggregate - Grand Agg

Place Last Name Preferred Name Club State Info Score
Target Rifle - A
1 Pratt Josh Natives QLD U J 298.39
2 ODonnell Leigh Pacific QLD 298.28
3 Edser George Central QLD V SV 297.38
4 Pollock Hamish University Of Qld QLD 297.36
4 Cadden Rob Central QLD V SV 297.36
6 Dickenson Michael Pratten QLD 297.34
7 Pozzebon Matt University of Qld QLD 297.27
8 Noll Bluey (Ian) Port Augusta SA V SV 296.33
9 Ballantyne Bill Hornsby Manly NSW V SV 295.30
10 Spence James Natives QLD 295.29
11 Arrowsmith Charles Brisbane Mariners QLD V 295.28
12 Dodson Malcolm Kaituna/Blenheim V 295.24
13 Grosskreutz Geoff Central QLD V SV 294.35
14 Thornhill Tina Central QLD V L 293.26
15 O Loghlen Kim Natives 292.34
16 Brdjanovic Mijo Ipswich & District QLD 292.31
16 Jones Colin Central QLD V 292.31
18 Wellburn Geoff Pacific QLD V 291.25
19 Thompson Don Natives QLD V SP 291.19
20 Grant Geoff Brisbane Mariners QLD 290.22
21 Latham Wendy Natives QLD L 289.21
22 Marett Leigh Natives QLD V 286.31
23 Smith Steve Natives QLD 284.23
Target Rifle - B
1 Sharp Derek Brisbane Mariners QLD 296.32
2 Howlett Kevin Albert District QLD V 294.24
3 Kazakov Dmitri Roseville Rifle Club Inc. NSW 290.22
3 Doyle Andre Petone NZ 290.22
5 Chinnery Ann Mackay Rifle Club Inc. QLD L 288.24
6 Vinter Lyle Natives QLD 270.12
Target Rifle - C
1 Hindmarsh David Bungendore Rifle Club ACT SP 285.17
2 Nicol David Ipswich & District QLD 284.16
3 Morgan Keith Brisbane Mariners QLD 280.11
4 Faux Greg University Of Qld V 278.18
5 Robinson Lester Ipswich & District QLD V 275.15
6 Errington Ian Natives V 254.13
F Standard - A
1 Fairbairn Mark Cannon Hill RSL QLD V 353.34
2 Blocksidge Richard Albert District QLD V SV 352.24
3 Munro Ivo Brisbane QLD 351.27
4 Simons John Broken Hill RC NSW V SV 349.22
5 Lloyd Bruce BassBell WA V SV 347.19
6 koch Joe Bundaberg Burnett Rifle Club QLD V 343.21
7 Pickles Brian Natives QLD V SV 337.17
8 Duffield Marty Brisbane Mariners QLD 323.11
F Standard - B
1 Davidson Ivor Natives QLD 353.32
2 Latham Wayne Natives QLD V SV 349.21
3 PREECE John Pacific QLD V 342.14
4 Blair Wayne Natives QLD 341.16
5 Lubach Mal Albert District QLD V 340.18
6 Araya Jirayu Monto QLD 334.14
7 Craick Gordon Natives QLD 332.13
8 Fitzpatrick Shane Monto QLD 312.7
F Open - FO
1 Potter Brian Brisbane Mariners QLD 356.35
2 Broom Peter Beaudesert QLD 354.39
3 Chui Mike Ashburton NZ 354.29
4 Hughes Ian Cheltenham NZ 354.28
5 Kinnear Bob Boddington WA V SV 354.24
6 Mitchell Scott Murwillumbah NSW 349.27
7 Devine Karon Crows Nest/Goombungee QLD V L 343.24
8 Hansen Brian Ipswich & District Rifle Club QLD 343.23
9 Mace Ernie City of Brisbane QLD V SV 342.21
10 Samuel David Murwillumbah NSW V 339.21
11 OBrien Bill Beaudesert QLD V 338.19
1 Knox Frans Pacific QLD 356.27
2 Willis Geoff Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. NSW V SV 351.19
3 Barlow Rohan Pacific QLD U J 347.24
4 Mayers Jason University of QLD QLD 346.20
5 Lindley Leon University Of Qld QLD 343.13
6 Broom Nicole Pacific QLD L 340.20
7 Piper Graham Hamilton Whata Whata 339.16
8 Clark Craig Crows Nest/Goombungee QLD 333.16
9 Ayoub Peter University of QLD QLD 332.12
10 Neilson Paul Gisborne NZ 331.13
11 Barlow Daryl Pacific QLD 330.14
12 Moffatt Steve Clevedon NZ 327.15

Match 2 - Day 2 Agg - Day 2 Agg

Place Last Name Preferred Name Club State Info Score
Target Rifle - A
1 Pollock Hamish University Of Qld QLD 150.17
1 Dickenson Michael Pratten QLD 150.17
3 Pratt Josh Natives QLD U J 149.20
4 Cadden Rob Central QLD V SV 149.16
5 ODonnell Leigh Pacific QLD 149.13
6 Noll Bluey (Ian) Port Augusta SA V SV 148.16
7 Pozzebon Matt University of Qld QLD 148.14
8 Arrowsmith Charles Brisbane Mariners QLD V 148.12
9 Dodson Malcolm Kaituna/Blenheim V 148.9
10 Edser George Central QLD V SV 147.20
11 Grosskreutz Geoff Central QLD V SV 146.18
12 Brdjanovic Mijo Ipswich & District QLD 146.14
13 Grant Geoff Brisbane Mariners QLD 146.13
13 Ballantyne Bill Hornsby Manly NSW V SV 146.13
15 Spence James Natives QLD 146.12
16 Thornhill Tina Central QLD V L 145.15
17 O Loghlen Kim Natives 145.13
18 Thompson Don Natives QLD V SP 145.11
19 Jones Colin Central QLD V 144.15
20 Wellburn Geoff Pacific QLD V 144.12
21 Latham Wendy Natives QLD L 143.11
22 Marett Leigh Natives QLD V 142.13
23 Mayfield Andrew Ipswich & District QLD 142.10
24 Smith Steve Natives QLD 140.12
Target Rifle - B
1 Howlett Kevin Albert District QLD V 148.12
2 Sharp Derek Brisbane Mariners QLD 148.11
3 Doyle Andre Petone NZ 145.14
4 Chinnery Ann Mackay Rifle Club Inc. QLD L 142.8
5 Kazakov Dmitri Roseville Rifle Club Inc. NSW 141.8
6 Vinter Lyle Natives QLD 135.7
Target Rifle - C
1 Faux Greg University Of Qld V 142.11
2 Morgan Keith Brisbane Mariners QLD 142.6
3 Hindmarsh David Bungendore Rifle Club ACT SP 141.6
4 Robinson Lester Ipswich & District QLD V 138.11
5 Nicol David Ipswich & District QLD 137.11
6 Errington Ian Natives V 117.3
F Standard - A
1 Fairbairn Mark Cannon Hill RSL QLD V 176.14
2 Aarons Denis Pacific QLD 174.14
3 Munro Ivo Brisbane QLD 174.13
4 Blocksidge Richard Albert District QLD V SV 174.10
5 Simons John Broken Hill RC NSW V SV 173.10
6 Lloyd Bruce BassBell WA V SV 173.7
7 koch Joe Bundaberg Burnett Rifle Club QLD V 169.10
8 Pickles Brian Natives QLD V SV 166.7
9 Duffield Marty Brisbane Mariners QLD 158.6
F Standard - B
1 Davidson Ivor Natives QLD 177.15
2 Latham Wayne Natives QLD V SV 172.8
3 PREECE John Pacific QLD V 171.7
4 Lubach Mal Albert District QLD V 169.9
5 Craick Gordon Natives QLD 167.8
6 Blair Wayne Natives QLD 167.3
7 Araya Jirayu Monto QLD 163.8
8 Morley Scott Natives QLD 161.3
9 Fitzpatrick Shane Monto QLD 154.3
F Open - FO
1 Carter Peter Cairns Rifle Club Inc. QLD 178.16
2 Kinnear Bob Boddington WA V SV 178.13
3 Azzopardi Mark Cairns Rifle Club Inc. QLD 177.15
3 Tillack Lowell Goondiwindi QLD V 177.15
5 McGowan Craig University of QLD QLD 177.14
6 Potter Brian Brisbane Mariners QLD 176.14
7 Chui Mike Ashburton NZ 176.13
8 Hughes Ian Cheltenham NZ 176.12
9 Constantinou George Natives QLD 175.13
10 Broom Peter Beaudesert QLD 174.18
11 Mitchell Scott Murwillumbah NSW 172.9
12 Mace Ernie City of Brisbane QLD V SV 171.8
13 Devine Karon Crows Nest/Goombungee QLD V L 170.12
14 Samuel David Murwillumbah NSW V 170.9
15 Hansen Brian Ipswich & District Rifle Club QLD 165.5
16 OBrien Bill Beaudesert QLD V 163.7
1 Knox Frans Pacific QLD 177.8
2 Cook Murray Ashburton NZ V 174.12
3 Pratt Craig Natives QLD 173.11
4 Mayers Jason University of QLD QLD 172.9
5 Barlow Rohan Pacific QLD U J 171.11
6 Willis Geoff Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. NSW V SV 171.9
7 Piper Graham Hamilton Whata Whata 171.6
8 Lindley Leon University Of Qld QLD 170.6
9 Broom Nicole Pacific QLD L 168.10
10 Clark Craig Crows Nest/Goombungee QLD 167.10
11 Ayoub Peter University of QLD QLD 166.7
12 Neilson Paul Gisborne NZ 164.7
13 Barlow Daryl Pacific QLD 162.6
14 Moffatt Steve Clevedon NZ 161.4

Match 1 - Day 1 Agg - Aggretae

Place Last Name Preferred Name Club State Info Score
Target Rifle - A
1 Edser George Central QLD V SV 150.18
2 Pratt Josh Natives QLD U J 149.19
3 Ballantyne Bill Hornsby Manly NSW V SV 149.17
3 Spence James Natives QLD 149.17
5 ODonnell Leigh Pacific QLD 149.15
6 Pozzebon Matt University of Qld QLD 149.13
7 Cadden Rob Central QLD V SV 148.20
8 Grosskreutz Geoff Central QLD V SV 148.17
8 Noll Bluey (Ian) Port Augusta SA V SV 148.17
10 Jones Colin Central QLD V 148.16
11 Thornhill Tina Central QLD V L 148.11
12 O Loghlen Kim Natives 147.21
13 Pollock Hamish University Of Qld QLD 147.19
14 Dickenson Michael Pratten QLD 147.17
15 Arrowsmith Charles Brisbane Mariners QLD V 147.16
16 Dodson Malcolm Kaituna/Blenheim V 147.15
17 Wellburn Geoff Pacific QLD V 147.13
18 Brdjanovic Mijo Ipswich & District QLD 146.17
19 Latham Wendy Natives QLD L 146.10
20 Thompson Don Natives QLD V SP 146.8
21 Marett Leigh Natives QLD V 144.18
22 Smith Steve Natives QLD 144.11
23 Grant Geoff Brisbane Mariners QLD 144.9
Target Rifle - B
1 Kazakov Dmitri Roseville Rifle Club Inc. NSW 149.14
2 Sharp Derek Brisbane Mariners QLD 148.21
3 Chinnery Ann Mackay Rifle Club Inc. QLD L 146.16
4 Howlett Kevin Albert District QLD V 146.12
4 Hindmarsh Glenn West Wallsend RC NSW 146.12
6 Doyle Andre Petone NZ 145.8
7 Vinter Lyle Natives QLD 135.5
Target Rifle - C
1 Nicol David Ipswich & District QLD 147.5
2 Boase Tim Ipswich & Dist QLD 145.10
3 Hindmarsh David Bungendore Rifle Club ACT SP 144.11
4 Morgan Keith Brisbane Mariners QLD 138.5
5 Errington Ian Natives V 137.10
6 Robinson Lester Ipswich & District QLD V 137.4
7 Faux Greg University Of Qld V 136.7
8 Spence Theodore Natives QLD U 133.3
F Standard - A
1 McKillop Andrew Pacific QLD 180.14
2 Blocksidge Richard Albert District QLD V SV 178.14
3 Fairbairn Mark Cannon Hill RSL QLD V 177.20
4 Munro Ivo Brisbane QLD 177.14
5 Simons John Broken Hill RC NSW V SV 176.12
6 Lloyd Bruce BassBell WA V SV 174.12
7 koch Joe Bundaberg Burnett Rifle Club QLD V 174.11
8 Pickles Brian Natives QLD V SV 171.10
9 Duffield Marty Brisbane Mariners QLD 165.5
F Standard - B
1 Latham Wayne Natives QLD V SV 177.13
2 Davidson Ivor Natives QLD 176.17
3 Blair Wayne Natives QLD 174.13
4 Lubach Mal Albert District QLD V 171.9
5 PREECE John Pacific QLD V 171.7
6 Araya Jirayu Monto QLD 171.6
7 Power Melanie Pacific QLD L 167.7
8 Craick Gordon Natives QLD 165.5
9 Fitzpatrick Shane Monto QLD 158.4
F Open - FO
1 Potter Brian Brisbane Mariners QLD 180.21
1 Broom Peter Beaudesert QLD 180.21
3 Hansen Brian Ipswich & District Rifle Club QLD 178.18
4 Chui Mike Ashburton NZ 178.16
4 Hughes Ian Cheltenham NZ 178.16
6 Mitchell Scott Murwillumbah NSW 177.18
7 Kinnear Bob Boddington WA V SV 176.11
8 OBrien Bill Beaudesert QLD V 175.12
9 Gibbs Kate Gold Coast City QLD L 175.11
10 Pratt Craig Natives QLD 173.12
10 Devine Karon Crows Nest/Goombungee QLD V L 173.12
12 Mace Ernie City of Brisbane QLD V SV 171.13
13 Samuel David Murwillumbah NSW V 169.12
1 Willis Geoff Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. NSW V SV 180.10
2 Knox Frans Pacific QLD 179.19
3 Barlow Rohan Pacific QLD U J 176.13
4 Mayers Jason University of QLD QLD 174.11
5 Lindley Leon University Of Qld QLD 173.7
6 Broom Nicole Pacific QLD L 172.10
7 Piper Graham Hamilton Whata Whata 168.10
8 Barlow Daryl Pacific QLD 168.8
9 Neilson Paul Gisborne NZ 167.6
10 Moffatt Steve Clevedon NZ 166.11
11 Dick Michelle Beaudesert QLD V L 166.7
12 Clark Craig Crows Nest/Goombungee QLD 166.6
13 Ayoub Peter University of QLD QLD 166.5