MDRA Anzac Day Open Prize Meeting 2019 (NSW) Results

Match 3 - Aggregate - Aggregate

Place Last Name Preferred Name Club State Info Score
Target Rifle - A
1 Shepherd Matt Endeavour Rifle Club Inc. NSW 150.22
2 Bailey Jim Holsworthy Rifle Club Inc. NSW V 150.21
3 Davies Duncan West Wallsend NSW 150.18
4 Bailey Mitchell Holsworthy Rifle Club Inc. NSW 149.26
5 Davies Alex West Wallsend Rifle Club Inc. NSW U 149.19
6 Schwebel Barb Holsworthy Rifle Club NSW V L 149.15
7 Sims Andrew Sydney High School Rifle Club Inc. NSW 148.18
8 Schwebel Christopher Holsworthy NSW 148.16
9 Ballantyne Bill Hornsby Manly NSW V SV 148.13
10 Young Ken Southern Highlands NSW V SV 147.15
11 Gregorio Fernando Sydney Rifle Club NSW 147.14
12 Bonanni Adrian Roseville Rifle Club NSW 147.13
13 Bell Angus Port Jackson Rifle Club Inc. NSW V SP 146.15
14 Ruan Wentao Sydney High School NSW U J 145.16
15 Barry Bill Holsworthy Rifle Club Inc. NSW V SV 144.13
16 Millen Michael Mosman Neutral Bay NSW PP 143.15
17 Jacombs Patrick Roseville RC NSW U J 143.13
18 Jones Evan Manly Rifle Club Inc. NSW 143.10
19 Oliver Nigel Concord Rifle Club Inc. NSW V 143.9
20 Brooker John Yorkshire Society NSW V SV 143.7
21 Hocking Nicholas Sydney Rifle Club Inc. NSW 142.12
22 Thompson Don Natives QLD V SP 142.10
23 Hook Owen Railway & Tramway Inst. NSW V SV 141.11
24 McGuigan Tony Nowra RC NSW V SV 140.8
Target Rifle - B
1 Hooper Edwin Concord Rifle Club NSW U J 148.9
2 Hancy David Bankstown Chatswood NSW 145.10
3 Chan Jeremy Sydney High School NSW 144.9
4 Phaktham Adithep Concord Rifle Club Inc. NSW U 143.13
5 Hewett Ethan Southern Highlands Rifle Club Inc. NSW U J 143.11
6 Cole Gregory Concord Rifle Club NSW 143.5
7 Le Gallais Andrew Endeavour NSW U 142.8
8 Nelson Scott West Wallsend NSW SP 142.6
9 Livermore Damon Sydney Rifle Club Inc. NSW 141.14
10 Neilsen Barney Southern Highlands RC NSW V SV SP 141.13
11 Brodie Richard Goulburn Rifle Club Inc. NSW 141.9
11 Howie Robert Brisbane Mariners QLD SP 141.9
13 Moore Sandi Mosman Neutral Bay NSW V L 141.8
14 Maguire John West Wallsend NSW V 140.5
15 Schwebel Kevin Pacific NSW 139.12
16 Schwebel Susan Pacific NSW V L 139.6
17 Phillips Bob West Wallsend Rifle Club Inc. NSW V SV 137.8
Target Rifle - C
1 Cameron Isabelle Holsworthy Rifle Club Inc. NSW L U J 140.4
2 Ryan John Bankstown Chatswood Rifle Club Inc. NSW 139.8
3 Macintosh Neil Mosman Neutral Bay Rifle Club Inc. NSW SP 139.3
4 Fassilis Anthony Bankstown Chatswood NSW 138.12
5 Purcell Kerrie Mosman Neutral Bay NSW L 138.5
6 Pike Gregory Port Jackson Rifle Club Inc. NSW V 129.7
7 Williams Callum Bankstown-Chatswood U 80.0
F Standard - A
1 Loh Anthony Hornsby RSL NSW T 178.12
2 Jeffery Daniel Holsworthy Rifle Club Inc. NSW 174.7
3 Johnstone Peter Marrickville Rifle Club Inc. NSW V SV SP 173.11
4 Garlick Ralph Lyndhurst Rifle Club Inc. NSW V 168.7
5 Kozminski Robert Bankstown Chatswood Rifle Club NSW V SV T 166.14
6 Ashworth Alan Hornsby Manly Target Rifle Club NSW V 166.5
7 Humbert Allan Roseville Rifle Club Inc. NSW V 161.5
F Standard - B
1 Williams Michael Gosford District 174.9
2 Debattista Joseph Bankstown Chatswood NSW 168.6
3 Lewis Noel United Services Inst. Of NSW NSW 167.9
4 Michos James Marrickville NSW 161.5
5 Hart Steve Railway & Tramway Inst. V 157.5
6 Watters Shane Sydney Rifle Club Inc. NSW 151.1
7 Ware Ronny Nowra NSW V SV 150.3
8 Hind Jack Yorkshire Society NSW V 148.3
F Open - FO
1 Rigby Steve Railway & Tramway Inst. NSW 178.16
2 Bailey Richard Canberra Rifle Club 178.16
3 Beavis Andrew North Sydney Rifle Club Inc NSW V 176.14
4 Helm Michael Bankstown-Chatswood Rifle Club Inc. NSW 176.12
5 Rigby Alison Railway & Tramway Inst. NSW L U J 176.12
6 Weston Anthony Goulburn Rifle Club Inc. NSW 175.7
7 Bailey William Goulburn Rifle Club Inc. NSW U J 174.12
8 Avery David Cessnock Rifle Club Inc NSW V SV 174.11
9 Wray Brian Canberra Rifle Club ACT 169.9
10 Rowbottom Andrew Southern Highlands Rifle Club Inc. NSW 169.8
11 Brown Michael Railway & Tramway Inst. NSW 169.5
12 Calleja Jamie Hornsby RSL Rifle Club No. 385 NSW 143.6
1 Vivian-Jones David Concord Rifle Club Inc. NSW V SV 166.7

Match 2 - 600 metres (2nd)

Place Last Name Preferred Name Club State Info Score
Target Rifle - A
1 Bailey Mitchell Holsworthy Rifle Club Inc. NSW 75.14
2 Shepherd Matt Endeavour Rifle Club Inc. NSW 75.12
3 Davies Alex West Wallsend Rifle Club Inc. NSW U 75.10
4 Bailey Jim Holsworthy Rifle Club Inc. NSW V 75.10
5 Bonanni Adrian Roseville Rifle Club NSW 75.9
6 Sims Andrew Sydney High School Rifle Club Inc. NSW 75.9
7 Davies Duncan West Wallsend NSW 75.9
8 Schwebel Barb Holsworthy Rifle Club NSW V L 74.8
9 Young Ken Southern Highlands NSW V SV 74.7
9 Gregorio Fernando Sydney Rifle Club NSW 74.7
11 Schwebel Christopher Holsworthy NSW 73.8
11 Ruan Wentao Sydney High School NSW U J 73.8
13 Ballantyne Bill Hornsby Manly NSW V SV 73.7
13 Bell Angus Port Jackson Rifle Club Inc. NSW V SP 73.7
15 Oliver Nigel Concord Rifle Club Inc. NSW V 73.6
15 Jacombs Patrick Roseville RC NSW U J 73.6
17 Brooker John Yorkshire Society NSW V SV 73.5
18 Hook Owen Railway & Tramway Inst. NSW V SV 72.7
19 Thompson Don Natives QLD V SP 72.6
19 Jones Evan Manly Rifle Club Inc. NSW 72.6
21 Hocking Nicholas Sydney Rifle Club Inc. NSW 71.6
22 Barry Bill Holsworthy Rifle Club Inc. NSW V SV 71.5
23 Millen Michael Mosman Neutral Bay NSW PP 70.9
24 McGuigan Tony Nowra RC NSW V SV 70.4
Target Rifle - B
1 Hewett Ethan Southern Highlands Rifle Club Inc. NSW U J 74.8
2 Hooper Edwin Concord Rifle Club NSW U J 74.5
3 Chan Jeremy Sydney High School NSW 74.4
4 Nelson Scott West Wallsend NSW SP 73.5
5 Brodie Richard Goulburn Rifle Club Inc. NSW 73.4
6 Moore Sandi Mosman Neutral Bay NSW V L 72.3
7 Cole Gregory Concord Rifle Club NSW 72.2
8 Howie Robert Brisbane Mariners QLD SP 71.6
9 Hancy David Bankstown Chatswood NSW 71.5
9 Phaktham Adithep Concord Rifle Club Inc. NSW U 71.5
11 Le Gallais Andrew Endeavour NSW U 71.4
12 Neilsen Barney Southern Highlands RC NSW V SV SP 70.7
13 Schwebel Kevin Pacific NSW 70.6
14 Livermore Damon Sydney Rifle Club Inc. NSW 69.7
15 Schwebel Susan Pacific NSW V L 69.4
16 Phillips Bob West Wallsend Rifle Club Inc. NSW V SV 68.3
17 Maguire John West Wallsend NSW V 68.0
Target Rifle - C
1 Ryan John Bankstown Chatswood Rifle Club Inc. NSW 72.5
2 Cameron Isabelle Holsworthy Rifle Club Inc. NSW L U J 71.1
3 Purcell Kerrie Mosman Neutral Bay NSW L 71.1
4 Fassilis Anthony Bankstown Chatswood NSW 70.5
5 Macintosh Neil Mosman Neutral Bay Rifle Club Inc. NSW SP 69.2
6 Pike Gregory Port Jackson Rifle Club Inc. NSW V 59.2
7 Williams Callum Bankstown-Chatswood U 34.0
F Standard - A
1 Loh Anthony Hornsby RSL NSW T 88.4
2 Jeffery Daniel Holsworthy Rifle Club Inc. NSW 88.3
3 Johnstone Peter Marrickville Rifle Club Inc. NSW V SV SP 86.7
4 Garlick Ralph Lyndhurst Rifle Club Inc. NSW V 85.5
5 Ashworth Alan Hornsby Manly Target Rifle Club NSW V 83.2
6 Kozminski Robert Bankstown Chatswood Rifle Club NSW V SV T 82.7
7 Humbert Allan Roseville Rifle Club Inc. NSW V 78.1
F Standard - B
1 Williams Michael Gosford District 87.5
2 Debattista Joseph Bankstown Chatswood NSW 85.3
3 Lewis Noel United Services Inst. Of NSW NSW 82.5
4 Hart Steve Railway & Tramway Inst. V 79.4
5 Hind Jack Yorkshire Society NSW V 78.2
6 Michos James Marrickville NSW 76.1
7 Ware Ronny Nowra NSW V SV 74.2
8 Watters Shane Sydney Rifle Club Inc. NSW 73.0
F Open - FO
1 Beavis Andrew North Sydney Rifle Club Inc NSW V 90.9
2 Rigby Steve Railway & Tramway Inst. NSW 90.7
3 Bailey Richard Canberra Rifle Club 89.8
4 Helm Michael Bankstown-Chatswood Rifle Club Inc. NSW 88.7
5 Rigby Alison Railway & Tramway Inst. NSW L U J 88.4
6 Bailey William Goulburn Rifle Club Inc. NSW U J 87.3
7 Weston Anthony Goulburn Rifle Club Inc. NSW 86.4
8 Avery David Cessnock Rifle Club Inc NSW V SV 85.6
9 Brown Michael Railway & Tramway Inst. NSW 83.2
9 Rowbottom Andrew Southern Highlands Rifle Club Inc. NSW 83.2
11 Wray Brian Canberra Rifle Club ACT 79.3
12 Calleja Jamie Hornsby RSL Rifle Club No. 385 NSW 60.2
1 Vivian-Jones David Concord Rifle Club Inc. NSW V SV 84.3

Match 1 - 600 metres (1st)

Place Last Name Preferred Name Club State Info Score
Target Rifle - A
1 Bailey Jim Holsworthy Rifle Club Inc. NSW V 75.11
2 Shepherd Matt Endeavour Rifle Club Inc. NSW 75.10
3 Davies Duncan West Wallsend NSW 75.9
4 Schwebel Christopher Holsworthy NSW 75.8
5 Schwebel Barb Holsworthy Rifle Club NSW V L 75.7
6 Ballantyne Bill Hornsby Manly NSW V SV 75.6
7 Bailey Mitchell Holsworthy Rifle Club Inc. NSW 74.12
8 Davies Alex West Wallsend Rifle Club Inc. NSW U 74.9
9 Sims Andrew Sydney High School Rifle Club Inc. NSW 73.9
10 Young Ken Southern Highlands NSW V SV 73.8
10 Bell Angus Port Jackson Rifle Club Inc. NSW V SP 73.8
10 Barry Bill Holsworthy Rifle Club Inc. NSW V SV 73.8
13 Gregorio Fernando Sydney Rifle Club NSW 73.7
14 Millen Michael Mosman Neutral Bay NSW PP 73.6
15 Ruan Wentao Sydney High School NSW U J 72.8
16 Bonanni Adrian Roseville Rifle Club NSW 72.4
17 Hocking Nicholas Sydney Rifle Club Inc. NSW 71.6
18 Jones Evan Manly Rifle Club Inc. NSW 71.4
19 Jacombs Patrick Roseville RC NSW U J 70.7
20 McGuigan Tony Nowra RC NSW V SV 70.4
20 Thompson Don Natives QLD V SP 70.4
22 Oliver Nigel Concord Rifle Club Inc. NSW V 70.3
23 Brooker John Yorkshire Society NSW V SV 70.2
24 Hook Owen Railway & Tramway Inst. NSW V SV 69.4
25 Waite Rex West Wallsend NSW V SV 67.5
Target Rifle - B
1 Hancy David Bankstown Chatswood NSW 74.5
2 Hooper Edwin Concord Rifle Club NSW U J 74.4
3 Phaktham Adithep Concord Rifle Club Inc. NSW U 72.8
4 Livermore Damon Sydney Rifle Club Inc. NSW 72.7
5 Maguire John West Wallsend NSW V 72.5
6 Neilsen Barney Southern Highlands RC NSW V SV SP 71.6
7 Le Gallais Andrew Endeavour NSW U 71.4
8 Cole Gregory Concord Rifle Club NSW 71.3
9 Chan Jeremy Sydney High School NSW 70.5
10 Howie Robert Brisbane Mariners QLD SP 70.3
11 Schwebel Susan Pacific NSW V L 70.2
12 Schwebel Kevin Pacific NSW 69.6
13 Moore Sandi Mosman Neutral Bay NSW V L 69.5
13 Phillips Bob West Wallsend Rifle Club Inc. NSW V SV 69.5
15 Hewett Ethan Southern Highlands Rifle Club Inc. NSW U J 69.3
16 Nelson Scott West Wallsend NSW SP 69.1
17 Brodie Richard Goulburn Rifle Club Inc. NSW 68.5
Target Rifle - C
1 Pike Gregory Port Jackson Rifle Club Inc. NSW V 70.5
2 Macintosh Neil Mosman Neutral Bay Rifle Club Inc. NSW SP 70.1
3 Cameron Isabelle Holsworthy Rifle Club Inc. NSW L U J 69.3
4 Fassilis Anthony Bankstown Chatswood NSW 68.7
5 Purcell Kerrie Mosman Neutral Bay NSW L 67.4
6 Ryan John Bankstown Chatswood Rifle Club Inc. NSW 67.3
7 Williams Callum Bankstown-Chatswood U 46.0
F Standard - A
1 Loh Anthony Hornsby RSL NSW T 90.8
2 Johnstone Peter Marrickville Rifle Club Inc. NSW V SV SP 87.4
3 Jeffery Daniel Holsworthy Rifle Club Inc. NSW 86.4
4 Kozminski Robert Bankstown Chatswood Rifle Club NSW V SV T 84.7
5 Humbert Allan Roseville Rifle Club Inc. NSW V 83.4
6 Ashworth Alan Hornsby Manly Target Rifle Club NSW V 83.3
7 Garlick Ralph Lyndhurst Rifle Club Inc. NSW V 83.2
F Standard - B
1 Williams Michael Gosford District 87.4
2 Lewis Noel United Services Inst. Of NSW NSW 85.4
3 Michos James Marrickville NSW 85.4
4 Debattista Joseph Bankstown Chatswood NSW 83.3
5 Hart Steve Railway & Tramway Inst. V 78.1
5 Watters Shane Sydney Rifle Club Inc. NSW 78.1
7 Ware Ronny Nowra NSW V SV 76.1
8 Hind Jack Yorkshire Society NSW V 70.1
F Open - FO
1 Wray Brian Canberra Rifle Club ACT 90.6
2 Bailey Richard Canberra Rifle Club 89.8
3 Avery David Cessnock Rifle Club Inc NSW V SV 89.5
4 Weston Anthony Goulburn Rifle Club Inc. NSW 89.3
5 Rigby Steve Railway & Tramway Inst. NSW 88.9
6 Rigby Alison Railway & Tramway Inst. NSW L U J 88.8
7 Helm Michael Bankstown-Chatswood Rifle Club Inc. NSW 88.5
8 Bailey William Goulburn Rifle Club Inc. NSW U J 87.9
9 Rowbottom Andrew Southern Highlands Rifle Club Inc. NSW 86.6
10 Beavis Andrew North Sydney Rifle Club Inc NSW V 86.5
11 Brown Michael Railway & Tramway Inst. NSW 86.3
12 Calleja Jamie Hornsby RSL Rifle Club No. 385 NSW 83.4
1 Vivian-Jones David Concord Rifle Club Inc. NSW V SV 82.4