Great Southern DRA Prize Meeting 2019 Results

Match 10 - Aggregate - Grand Aggregate

Place Last Name Preferred Name Club State Info Score
Division 1
1 Hughes Neil City of Subiaco WA V SP 365.40
2 Milentis Mark Manjimup 137 WA V SP 364.29
3 Ozolnieks Andy Mundaring 41 WA V 363.19
4 Forsberg Mick Darwin Rifle Club NT 361.37
5 Felton David Albany WA V SV 355.23
6 Syme Ian Bassendean/Bellevue WA V SP 355.21
7 McShane Stephen City of Subiaco WA V SP 354.22
8 McDonald Shayne Albany WA V 354.21
9 Hughes Barry Albany 19 WA V 353.23
10 McShane Warren City of Subiaco WA V 353.22
11 Joyce Paul Mundaring 41 WA V 351.20
12 Wagland Janet Perth - Fremantle 293 WA 350.27
13 Schlink Tony Mundaring WA V 350.19
14 Crago Stephen Bassendean/Bellevue WA 350.18
15 Bellert John Kalgoorlie 11 WA 350.15
16 Sakich Steven Mundaring WA 349.24
17 Newbey Scott Wurgabup WA 349.23
18 Brooks Ray Chapman Valley 83 WA 345.19
19 Eaton Merv Northam 106 WA V SV 344.19
Division 2
1 Watts Murray Darling Range WA V 351.25
2 Hicks David City of Subiaco WA V 350.15
3 McCarthy Lara Mount Barker WA L 349.26
4 Hitch Jodie Bassendean Bellevue WA L 348.20
5 Trease Alan Manjimup WA T 348.18
6 Lidgard Kent Boddington WA 344.14
7 Frehner Ian Subiaco WA V SV 341.17
8 Turner Graeme Mundaring WA V SV 339.16
9 Hopkin Paul Darling Range WA V SV 338.16
10 Samuel Kerry Mundaring WA V SV 335.14
11 Byass Gary Albany 19 WA 330.12
12 Jeffery Tyler Albany WA U 315.10
13 McShane Louise City of Subiaco WA V L 311.5
14 Baxter Jeff Wurgabup WA 309.10
15 Dore Alan Darling Range WA 309.8
16 Dickenson Simon Mundaring 41 WA 307.10
F Standard-A
1 Hallam Bill Beverley Rifle Club WA V 438.33
2 Oates Graham Busselton-Bunbury Rifle Club WA V 435.35
3 Cottrell Catherine Beverley Rifle Club WA L 429.27
4 Lloyd Bruce BassBell WA V SV 425.22
5 Purdy Graham Northampton WA 424.16
6 Reid Mahlon Boddington 214 WA V SV SP 421.18
7 Ferres Trevor BassBell WA SV 420.17
8 Blechynden Denis Beverley Rifle Club WA V SV 419.24
9 Sweetman Chappy Carnarvon WA V 415.21
10 Dei Giudici Ben Carnarvon 65 WA V 415.14
11 Cole David Yarloop WA V SV 414.13
12 Whittemore Tony City of Subiaco WA V SV 413.19
13 Lockley Ron Wurgabup WA V SV 402.15
14 Moore James Wurgabup WA V SV PP 396.16
15 Jones Paul Albany 19 WA V 396.14
F Standard-B
1 Norwood Ashley Geraldton Greenough WA 424.20
2 Carver Neil City of Subiaco WA V SV 409.15
3 Moffat Ellen Esperance 154 WA V L 404.13
4 Cunningham Noel Yarloop WA V SV 402.15
5 Harris Hugh City of Subiaco WA V SV 394.14
6 Hurst Ric South Perth 7 WA V SV 391.12
7 Davis Rodney Busselton-Bunbury WA V 388.7
8 Bridges Brian Esperance WA 382.6
9 Fairclough Belinda Bassendean Bellevue WA L 381.8
10 Moore Ashley Wurgabup WA 379.7
11 Stone Martin Subiaco WA 374.4
12 Lydiate Ross Cuballing 69 WA V SV 360.8
13 Kuffer-Barillet Danny Bassendean/Bellevue WA V SV 321.5
F Open
1 Bunyan Brett Boddington WA 440.39
2 Kinnear Bob Boddington WA V SV 429.26
3 Ogle David Wurgabup WA SV 420.29
4 Moffat Adrian Esperance 154 WA 417.19
5 Piper Bruce Geraldton Greenough WA V SV 415.13
6 Stuart John Esperance WA V 388.7
1 Stoffels Shaun Bassendean Bellvue WA 420.17
2 Hurley Michelle Esperance WA L 413.14
3 Whittemore Anna City of Subiaco WA V SV L 406.11
4 Hathaway Gavin Albany WA 405.18
5 Dickenson Judy Mundaring WA L 395.13
6 Smith Paul Kambalda WA 386.14
7 PORTER John Subiaco Rifle Club 361.8

Match 9 - Aggregate - Sunday Aggregate

Place Last Name Preferred Name Club State Info Score
Division 1
1 Syme Ian Bassendean/Bellevue WA V SP 148.13
2 Milentis Mark Manjimup 137 WA V SP 147.10
3 Felton David Albany WA V SV 146.11
4 Ozolnieks Andy Mundaring 41 WA V 146.10
5 Forsberg Mick Darwin Rifle Club NT 145.16
6 Wagland Janet Perth - Fremantle 293 WA 145.12
7 Hughes Neil City of Subiaco WA V SP 144.17
8 McShane Warren City of Subiaco WA V 144.13
9 Joyce Paul Mundaring 41 WA V 144.11
10 Schlink Tony Mundaring WA V 144.8
11 Bellert John Kalgoorlie 11 WA 143.8
12 McShane Stephen City of Subiaco WA V SP 142.11
12 Hughes Barry Albany 19 WA V 142.11
14 Crago Stephen Bassendean/Bellevue WA 142.7
15 Newbey Scott Wurgabup WA 141.12
16 Brooks Ray Chapman Valley 83 WA 140.8
17 McDonald Shayne Albany WA V 140.6
18 Sakich Steven Mundaring WA 138.10
19 Eaton Merv Northam 106 WA V SV 132.8
Division 2
1 Hicks David City of Subiaco WA V 144.6
2 Turner Graeme Mundaring WA V SV 143.8
3 Lidgard Kent Boddington WA 142.8
4 Watts Murray Darling Range WA V 141.8
5 Hitch Jodie Bassendean Bellevue WA L 139.9
6 Frehner Ian Subiaco WA V SV 138.7
6 Trease Alan Manjimup WA T 138.7
8 Hopkin Paul Darling Range WA V SV 137.6
9 McCarthy Lara Mount Barker WA L 135.9
10 McShane Louise City of Subiaco WA V L 135.2
11 Samuel Kerry Mundaring WA V SV 134.8
12 Byass Gary Albany 19 WA 133.8
13 Jeffery Tyler Albany WA U 126.5
14 Dickenson Simon Mundaring 41 WA 123.6
15 Dore Alan Darling Range WA 123.5
16 Baxter Jeff Wurgabup WA 122.1
F Standard-A
1 Hallam Bill Beverley Rifle Club WA V 178.15
2 Oates Graham Busselton-Bunbury Rifle Club WA V 177.16
3 Cottrell Catherine Beverley Rifle Club WA L 173.13
4 Reid Mahlon Boddington 214 WA V SV SP 173.11
5 Lloyd Bruce BassBell WA V SV 173.9
6 Purdy Graham Northampton WA 172.10
7 Blechynden Denis Beverley Rifle Club WA V SV 171.14
8 Sweetman Chappy Carnarvon WA V 168.12
9 Moore James Wurgabup WA V SV PP 166.10
10 Ferres Trevor BassBell WA SV 166.9
11 Lockley Ron Wurgabup WA V SV 166.6
12 Dei Giudici Ben Carnarvon 65 WA V 166.4
13 Cole David Yarloop WA V SV 165.6
14 Whittemore Tony City of Subiaco WA V SV 163.9
15 Jones Paul Albany 19 WA V 162.5
F Standard-B
1 Norwood Ashley Geraldton Greenough WA 174.8
2 Cunningham Noel Yarloop WA V SV 169.9
3 Moffat Ellen Esperance 154 WA V L 166.6
4 Carver Neil City of Subiaco WA V SV 164.9
5 Harris Hugh City of Subiaco WA V SV 163.6
6 Fairclough Belinda Bassendean Bellevue WA L 161.3
7 Davis Rodney Busselton-Bunbury WA V 159.4
8 Hurst Ric South Perth 7 WA V SV 156.4
9 Moore Ashley Wurgabup WA 150.2
10 Alford David Bassendean Bellevue WA V SV 149.2
11 Bridges Brian Esperance WA 147.3
12 Stone Martin Subiaco WA 145.1
13 Kuffer-Barillet Danny Bassendean/Bellevue WA V SV 144.2
14 Lydiate Ross Cuballing 69 WA V SV 133.2
F Open
1 Bunyan Brett Boddington WA 177.15
2 Moffat Adrian Esperance 154 WA 174.11
3 Ogle David Wurgabup WA SV 171.12
4 Kinnear Bob Boddington WA V SV 170.10
5 Piper Bruce Geraldton Greenough WA V SV 166.3
6 Stuart John Esperance WA V 160.2
1 Stoffels Shaun Bassendean Bellvue WA 171.10
2 Whittemore Anna City of Subiaco WA V SV L 170.4
3 Hurley Michelle Esperance WA L 168.5
4 Hathaway Gavin Albany WA 166.10
5 Smith Paul Kambalda WA 158.7
6 Dickenson Judy Mundaring WA L 156.4
7 PORTER John Subiaco Rifle Club 152.3

Match 8 - 800mts - 800mts

Place Last Name Preferred Name Club State Info Score
Division 1
1 McShane Warren City of Subiaco WA V 49.5
2 Ozolnieks Andy Mundaring 41 WA V 49.3
3 Crago Stephen Bassendean/Bellevue WA 49.2
4 Hughes Neil City of Subiaco WA V SP 48.5
5 Syme Ian Bassendean/Bellevue WA V SP 48.4
5 Felton David Albany WA V SV 48.4
7 Wagland Janet Perth - Fremantle 293 WA 48.2
8 Milentis Mark Manjimup 137 WA V SP 48.0
9 Newbey Scott Wurgabup WA 47.5
10 Hughes Barry Albany 19 WA V 47.4
11 Joyce Paul Mundaring 41 WA V 47.3
11 Forsberg Mick Darwin Rifle Club NT 47.3
13 Brooks Ray Chapman Valley 83 WA 47.2
14 McDonald Shayne Albany WA V 46.2
15 McShane Stephen City of Subiaco WA V SP 46.1
15 Bellert John Kalgoorlie 11 WA 46.1
17 Sakich Steven Mundaring WA 45.4
18 Schlink Tony Mundaring WA V 44.1
19 Eaton Merv Northam 106 WA V SV 42.3
Division 2
1 Lidgard Kent Boddington WA 48.1
1 Hicks David City of Subiaco WA V 48.1
3 Trease Alan Manjimup WA T 46.2
4 Watts Murray Darling Range WA V 46.1
5 Turner Graeme Mundaring WA V SV 45.4
6 Frehner Ian Subiaco WA V SV 45.2
7 McShane Louise City of Subiaco WA V L 45.1
8 Hitch Jodie Bassendean Bellevue WA L 44.2
9 Hopkin Paul Darling Range WA V SV 44.0
10 McCarthy Lara Mount Barker WA L 41.2
11 Byass Gary Albany 19 WA 41.1
12 Jeffery Tyler Albany WA U 40.1
13 Samuel Kerry Mundaring WA V SV 39.0
14 Dickenson Simon Mundaring 41 WA 38.1
15 Baxter Jeff Wurgabup WA 37.0
16 Dore Alan Darling Range WA 34.1
F Standard-A
1 Hallam Bill Beverley Rifle Club WA V 59.2
2 Purdy Graham Northampton WA 57.5
3 Sweetman Chappy Carnarvon WA V 57.4
4 Oates Graham Busselton-Bunbury Rifle Club WA V 57.3
5 Lloyd Bruce BassBell WA V SV 57.2
6 Cottrell Catherine Beverley Rifle Club WA L 56.3
7 Reid Mahlon Boddington 214 WA V SV SP 55.2
8 Blechynden Denis Beverley Rifle Club WA V SV 54.3
8 Moore James Wurgabup WA V SV PP 54.3
10 Dei Giudici Ben Carnarvon 65 WA V 54.2
11 Ferres Trevor BassBell WA SV 53.3
12 Lockley Ron Wurgabup WA V SV 53.2
13 Whittemore Tony City of Subiaco WA V SV 53.1
14 Cole David Yarloop WA V SV 50.1
15 Jones Paul Albany 19 WA V 49.1
F Standard-B
1 Norwood Ashley Geraldton Greenough WA 58.2
2 Cunningham Noel Yarloop WA V SV 55.1
2 Moffat Ellen Esperance 154 WA V L 55.1
4 Moore Ashley Wurgabup WA 54.1
5 Davis Rodney Busselton-Bunbury WA V 50.1
5 Lydiate Ross Cuballing 69 WA V SV 50.1
7 Alford David Bassendean Bellevue WA V SV 50.0
8 Carver Neil City of Subiaco WA V SV 49.1
8 Fairclough Belinda Bassendean Bellevue WA L 49.1
10 Harris Hugh City of Subiaco WA V SV 49.0
11 Hurst Ric South Perth 7 WA V SV 46.0
12 Stone Martin Subiaco WA 43.0
12 Bridges Brian Esperance WA 43.0
14 Kuffer-Barillet Danny Bassendean/Bellevue WA V SV 42.0
F Open
1 Bunyan Brett Boddington WA 59.6
2 Moffat Adrian Esperance 154 WA 58.4
3 Ogle David Wurgabup WA SV 55.2
4 Piper Bruce Geraldton Greenough WA V SV 55.0
5 Kinnear Bob Boddington WA V SV 53.4
6 Stuart John Esperance WA V 51.0
1 Stoffels Shaun Bassendean Bellvue WA 56.2
2 Whittemore Anna City of Subiaco WA V SV L 55.1
3 Hurley Michelle Esperance WA L 55.0
4 Smith Paul Kambalda WA 53.1
4 Hathaway Gavin Albany WA 53.1
6 PORTER John Subiaco Rifle Club 52.1
6 Dickenson Judy Mundaring WA L 52.1

Match 7 - 800mts - 800M

Place Last Name Preferred Name Club State Info Score
Division 1
1 Syme Ian Bassendean/Bellevue WA V SP 50.5
2 Schlink Tony Mundaring WA V 50.2
2 Felton David Albany WA V SV 50.2
4 Wagland Janet Perth - Fremantle 293 WA 49.6
5 Milentis Mark Manjimup 137 WA V SP 49.5
6 Forsberg Mick Darwin Rifle Club NT 48.5
7 Bellert John Kalgoorlie 11 WA 48.4
8 Joyce Paul Mundaring 41 WA V 47.4
9 Ozolnieks Andy Mundaring 41 WA V 47.3
10 McShane Stephen City of Subiaco WA V SP 46.5
10 Hughes Neil City of Subiaco WA V SP 46.5
12 Brooks Ray Chapman Valley 83 WA 46.2
13 Hughes Barry Albany 19 WA V 45.2
13 Newbey Scott Wurgabup WA 45.2
15 McShane Warren City of Subiaco WA V 45.1
16 Crago Stephen Bassendean/Bellevue WA 45.0
17 McDonald Shayne Albany WA V 44.2
18 Sakich Steven Mundaring WA 43.2
18 Eaton Merv Northam 106 WA V SV 43.2
Division 2
1 Turner Graeme Mundaring WA V SV 49.2
2 Hitch Jodie Bassendean Bellevue WA L 48.5
3 Watts Murray Darling Range WA V 47.3
4 Hicks David City of Subiaco WA V 47.1
5 Byass Gary Albany 19 WA 46.4
6 Samuel Kerry Mundaring WA V SV 46.3
7 Lidgard Kent Boddington WA 45.3
7 Frehner Ian Subiaco WA V SV 45.3
9 McCarthy Lara Mount Barker WA L 44.5
10 Hopkin Paul Darling Range WA V SV 44.3
11 Trease Alan Manjimup WA T 44.1
12 Dore Alan Darling Range WA 43.2
13 Dickenson Simon Mundaring 41 WA 43.1
13 Jeffery Tyler Albany WA U 43.1
15 McShane Louise City of Subiaco WA V L 43.0
16 Baxter Jeff Wurgabup WA 39.0
F Standard-A
1 Oates Graham Busselton-Bunbury Rifle Club WA V 60.6
2 Reid Mahlon Boddington 214 WA V SV SP 60.5
3 Hallam Bill Beverley Rifle Club WA V 59.5
4 Purdy Graham Northampton WA 59.3
5 Cole David Yarloop WA V SV 59.2
6 Blechynden Denis Beverley Rifle Club WA V SV 58.3
7 Lockley Ron Wurgabup WA V SV 58.2
8 Cottrell Catherine Beverley Rifle Club WA L 57.4
9 Lloyd Bruce BassBell WA V SV 57.1
10 Jones Paul Albany 19 WA V 56.0
11 Dei Giudici Ben Carnarvon 65 WA V 55.1
12 Ferres Trevor BassBell WA SV 53.2
12 Moore James Wurgabup WA V SV PP 53.2
14 Whittemore Tony City of Subiaco WA V SV 51.2
14 Sweetman Chappy Carnarvon WA V 51.2
F Standard-B
1 Harris Hugh City of Subiaco WA V SV 58.3
2 Norwood Ashley Geraldton Greenough WA 58.2
3 Fairclough Belinda Bassendean Bellevue WA L 57.1
4 Carver Neil City of Subiaco WA V SV 56.2
5 Bridges Brian Esperance WA 56.1
6 Cunningham Noel Yarloop WA V SV 55.3
6 Hurst Ric South Perth 7 WA V SV 55.3
8 Moffat Ellen Esperance 154 WA V L 53.2
9 Davis Rodney Busselton-Bunbury WA V 51.1
9 Kuffer-Barillet Danny Bassendean/Bellevue WA V SV 51.1
11 Stone Martin Subiaco WA 48.0
12 Alford David Bassendean Bellevue WA V SV 45.1
13 Moore Ashley Wurgabup WA 43.1
14 Lydiate Ross Cuballing 69 WA V SV 38.1
F Open
1 Ogle David Wurgabup WA SV 60.7
2 Kinnear Bob Boddington WA V SV 60.3
3 Bunyan Brett Boddington WA 58.3
3 Moffat Adrian Esperance 154 WA 58.3
5 Stuart John Esperance WA V 55.1
6 Piper Bruce Geraldton Greenough WA V SV 55.0
1 Whittemore Anna City of Subiaco WA V SV L 57.1
2 Stoffels Shaun Bassendean Bellvue WA 55.3
3 Hathaway Gavin Albany WA 53.2
4 Hurley Michelle Esperance WA L 53.0
5 Dickenson Judy Mundaring WA L 51.1
6 Smith Paul Kambalda WA 50.2
7 PORTER John Subiaco Rifle Club 45.0

Match 6 - 700mts - 700M

Place Last Name Preferred Name Club State Info Score
Division 1
1 Forsberg Mick Darwin Rifle Club NT 50.8
2 McShane Warren City of Subiaco WA V 50.7
2 Hughes Neil City of Subiaco WA V SP 50.7
4 Schlink Tony Mundaring WA V 50.5
4 McShane Stephen City of Subiaco WA V SP 50.5
4 Milentis Mark Manjimup 137 WA V SP 50.5
4 Hughes Barry Albany 19 WA V 50.5
8 Ozolnieks Andy Mundaring 41 WA V 50.4
8 Sakich Steven Mundaring WA 50.4
8 Joyce Paul Mundaring 41 WA V 50.4
8 Syme Ian Bassendean/Bellevue WA V SP 50.4
12 McDonald Shayne Albany WA V 50.2
13 Newbey Scott Wurgabup WA 49.5
14 Bellert John Kalgoorlie 11 WA 49.3
15 Felton David Albany WA V SV 48.5
15 Crago Stephen Bassendean/Bellevue WA 48.5
17 Wagland Janet Perth - Fremantle 293 WA 48.4
18 Brooks Ray Chapman Valley 83 WA 47.4
19 Eaton Merv Northam 106 WA V SV 47.3
Division 2
1 McCarthy Lara Mount Barker WA L 50.2
2 Samuel Kerry Mundaring WA V SV 49.5
3 Hicks David City of Subiaco WA V 49.4
3 Lidgard Kent Boddington WA 49.4
5 Hopkin Paul Darling Range WA V SV 49.3
6 Turner Graeme Mundaring WA V SV 49.2
7 Watts Murray Darling Range WA V 48.4
7 Trease Alan Manjimup WA T 48.4
9 Frehner Ian Subiaco WA V SV 48.2
10 Hitch Jodie Bassendean Bellevue WA L 47.2
11 McShane Louise City of Subiaco WA V L 47.1
12 Byass Gary Albany 19 WA 46.3
13 Dore Alan Darling Range WA 46.2
14 Baxter Jeff Wurgabup WA 46.1
15 Jeffery Tyler Albany WA U 43.3
16 Dickenson Simon Mundaring 41 WA 42.4
17 Rhodes Colin Mundaring WA SV 42.3
F Standard-A
1 Hallam Bill Beverley Rifle Club WA V 60.8
2 Oates Graham Busselton-Bunbury Rifle Club WA V 60.7
3 Cottrell Catherine Beverley Rifle Club WA L 60.6
3 Sweetman Chappy Carnarvon WA V 60.6
5 Ferres Trevor BassBell WA SV 60.4
6 Blechynden Denis Beverley Rifle Club WA V SV 59.8
7 Lloyd Bruce BassBell WA V SV 59.6
7 Whittemore Tony City of Subiaco WA V SV 59.6
9 Moore James Wurgabup WA V SV PP 59.5
10 Reid Mahlon Boddington 214 WA V SV SP 58.4
11 Jones Paul Albany 19 WA V 57.4
12 Dei Giudici Ben Carnarvon 65 WA V 57.1
13 Cole David Yarloop WA V SV 56.3
14 Purdy Graham Northampton WA 56.2
15 Lockley Ron Wurgabup WA V SV 55.2
F Standard-B
1 Carver Neil City of Subiaco WA V SV 59.6
2 Cunningham Noel Yarloop WA V SV 59.5
3 Norwood Ashley Geraldton Greenough WA 58.4
4 Moffat Ellen Esperance 154 WA V L 58.3
5 Davis Rodney Busselton-Bunbury WA V 58.2
6 Harris Hugh City of Subiaco WA V SV 56.3
7 Fairclough Belinda Bassendean Bellevue WA L 55.1
7 Hurst Ric South Perth 7 WA V SV 55.1
9 Alford David Bassendean Bellevue WA V SV 54.1
9 Stone Martin Subiaco WA 54.1
11 Moore Ashley Wurgabup WA 53.0
12 Kuffer-Barillet Danny Bassendean/Bellevue WA V SV 51.1
13 Bridges Brian Esperance WA 48.2
14 Lydiate Ross Cuballing 69 WA V SV 45.0
F Open
1 Bunyan Brett Boddington WA 60.6
2 Moffat Adrian Esperance 154 WA 58.4
3 Kinnear Bob Boddington WA V SV 57.3
4 Piper Bruce Geraldton Greenough WA V SV 56.3
4 Ogle David Wurgabup WA SV 56.3
6 Stuart John Esperance WA V 54.1
1 Hathaway Gavin Albany WA 60.7
2 Hurley Michelle Esperance WA L 60.5
2 Stoffels Shaun Bassendean Bellvue WA 60.5
4 Whittemore Anna City of Subiaco WA V SV L 58.2
5 Smith Paul Kambalda WA 55.4
6 PORTER John Subiaco Rifle Club 55.2
7 Dickenson Judy Mundaring WA L 53.2

Match 5 - Aggregate - Saturday Aggregate

Place Last Name Preferred Name Club State Info Score
Division 1
1 Hughes Neil City of Subiaco WA V SP 221.23
2 Milentis Mark Manjimup 137 WA V SP 217.19
3 Ozolnieks Andy Mundaring 41 WA V 217.9
4 Forsberg Mick Darwin Rifle Club NT 216.21
5 McDonald Shayne Albany WA V 214.15
6 McShane Stephen City of Subiaco WA V SP 212.11
6 Eaton Merv Northam 106 WA V SV 212.11
8 Sakich Steven Mundaring WA 211.14
9 Hughes Barry Albany 19 WA V 211.12
10 Felton David Albany WA V SV 209.12
11 McShane Warren City of Subiaco WA V 209.9
12 Newbey Scott Wurgabup WA 208.11
12 Crago Stephen Bassendean/Bellevue WA 208.11
14 Joyce Paul Mundaring 41 WA V 207.9
15 Syme Ian Bassendean/Bellevue WA V SP 207.8
16 Bellert John Kalgoorlie 11 WA 207.7
17 Schlink Tony Mundaring WA V 206.11
18 Wagland Janet Perth - Fremantle 293 WA 205.15
19 Brooks Ray Chapman Valley 83 WA 205.11
Division 2
1 McCarthy Lara Mount Barker WA L 214.17
2 Watts Murray Darling Range WA V 210.17
3 Trease Alan Manjimup WA T 210.11
4 Hitch Jodie Bassendean Bellevue WA L 209.11
5 Hicks David City of Subiaco WA V 206.9
6 Frehner Ian Subiaco WA V SV 203.10
7 Lidgard Kent Boddington WA 202.6
8 Hopkin Paul Darling Range WA V SV 201.10
9 Samuel Kerry Mundaring WA V SV 201.6
10 Concanen Terrence City of Subiaco WA V SV 197.7
11 Byass Gary Albany 19 WA 197.4
12 Turner Graeme Mundaring WA V SV 196.8
13 Hope Chris Perth - Fremantle 293 WA V SV 195.7
14 Jeffery Tyler Albany WA U 189.5
15 Baxter Jeff Wurgabup WA 187.9
16 Dore Alan Darling Range WA 186.3
17 Rhodes Colin Mundaring WA SV 185.3
18 Dickenson Simon Mundaring 41 WA 184.4
19 McShane Louise City of Subiaco WA V L 176.3
F Standard-A
1 Hallam Bill Beverley Rifle Club WA V 260.18
2 Oates Graham Busselton-Bunbury Rifle Club WA V 258.19
3 Cottrell Catherine Beverley Rifle Club WA L 256.14
4 Ferres Trevor BassBell WA SV 254.8
5 Lloyd Bruce BassBell WA V SV 252.13
6 Purdy Graham Northampton WA 252.6
7 Whittemore Tony City of Subiaco WA V SV 250.10
8 Dei Giudici Ben Carnarvon 65 WA V 249.10
9 Cole David Yarloop WA V SV 249.7
10 Blechynden Denis Beverley Rifle Club WA V SV 248.10
11 Reid Mahlon Boddington 214 WA V SV SP 248.7
12 Sweetman Chappy Carnarvon WA V 247.9
13 Lockley Ron Wurgabup WA V SV 236.9
14 Jones Paul Albany 19 WA V 234.9
15 Moore James Wurgabup WA V SV PP 230.6
F Standard-B
1 Norwood Ashley Geraldton Greenough WA 250.12
2 Carver Neil City of Subiaco WA V SV 245.6
3 Moffat Ellen Esperance 154 WA V L 238.7
4 Hurst Ric South Perth 7 WA V SV 235.8
5 Bridges Brian Esperance WA 235.3
6 Cunningham Noel Yarloop WA V SV 233.6
7 Harris Hugh City of Subiaco WA V SV 231.8
8 Moore Ashley Wurgabup WA 229.5
9 Davis Rodney Busselton-Bunbury WA V 229.3
9 Stone Martin Subiaco WA 229.3
11 Lydiate Ross Cuballing 69 WA V SV 227.6
12 Fairclough Belinda Bassendean Bellevue WA L 220.5
13 Kuffer-Barillet Danny Bassendean/Bellevue WA V SV 177.3
F Open
1 Bunyan Brett Boddington WA 263.24
2 Kinnear Bob Boddington WA V SV 259.16
3 Ogle David Wurgabup WA SV 249.17
4 Piper Bruce Geraldton Greenough WA V SV 249.10
5 Moffat Adrian Esperance 154 WA 243.8
6 Stuart John Esperance WA V 228.5
1 Stoffels Shaun Bassendean Bellvue WA 249.7
2 Hurley Michelle Esperance WA L 245.9
3 Dickenson Judy Mundaring WA L 239.9
4 Hathaway Gavin Albany WA 239.8
5 Whittemore Anna City of Subiaco WA V SV L 236.7
6 Smith Paul Kambalda WA 228.7
7 PORTER John Subiaco Rifle Club 209.5

Match 4 - 600mts - 600M

Place Last Name Preferred Name Club State Info Score
Division 1
1 Hughes Neil City of Subiaco WA V SP 75.10
2 Wagland Janet Perth - Fremantle 293 WA 72.6
3 Eaton Merv Northam 106 WA V SV 72.4
4 Forsberg Mick Darwin Rifle Club NT 71.6
5 Milentis Mark Manjimup 137 WA V SP 71.5
6 Syme Ian Bassendean/Bellevue WA V SP 71.4
6 Sakich Steven Mundaring WA 71.4
8 McShane Stephen City of Subiaco WA V SP 71.3
9 McDonald Shayne Albany WA V 70.5
10 Bellert John Kalgoorlie 11 WA 70.4
11 Schlink Tony Mundaring WA V 70.3
12 Ozolnieks Andy Mundaring 41 WA V 70.1
13 Crago Stephen Bassendean/Bellevue WA 69.5
14 Felton David Albany WA V SV 69.3
14 Newbey Scott Wurgabup WA 69.3
16 Joyce Paul Mundaring 41 WA V 69.2
17 Hughes Barry Albany 19 WA V 68.2
17 Brooks Ray Chapman Valley 83 WA 68.2
19 McShane Warren City of Subiaco WA V 68.1
Division 2
1 Watts Murray Darling Range WA V 72.10
2 Hicks David City of Subiaco WA V 71.3
2 Hopkin Paul Darling Range WA V SV 71.3
4 Samuel Kerry Mundaring WA V SV 71.1
5 McCarthy Lara Mount Barker WA L 70.5
6 Lidgard Kent Boddington WA 70.2
7 Trease Alan Manjimup WA T 69.4
8 Hitch Jodie Bassendean Bellevue WA L 68.5
9 Frehner Ian Subiaco WA V SV 68.4
10 Concanen Terrence City of Subiaco WA V SV 66.3
11 Hope Chris Perth - Fremantle 293 WA V SV 65.4
12 Byass Gary Albany 19 WA 65.0
13 Rhodes Colin Mundaring WA SV 63.3
14 Turner Graeme Mundaring WA V SV 63.2
15 Jeffery Tyler Albany WA U 62.3
16 Baxter Jeff Wurgabup WA 61.2
17 Dore Alan Darling Range WA 61.0
18 Dickenson Simon Mundaring 41 WA 60.0
19 McShane Louise City of Subiaco WA V L 49.1
F Standard-A
1 Cottrell Catherine Beverley Rifle Club WA L 89.5
2 Oates Graham Busselton-Bunbury Rifle Club WA V 87.8
3 Hallam Bill Beverley Rifle Club WA V 87.5
4 Dei Giudici Ben Carnarvon 65 WA V 85.4
5 Lloyd Bruce BassBell WA V SV 84.3
6 Jones Paul Albany 19 WA V 83.7
7 Sweetman Chappy Carnarvon WA V 83.2
7 Ferres Trevor BassBell WA SV 83.2
9 Blechynden Denis Beverley Rifle Club WA V SV 81.3
9 Whittemore Tony City of Subiaco WA V SV 81.3
11 Reid Mahlon Boddington 214 WA V SV SP 81.2
12 Lockley Ron Wurgabup WA V SV 80.3
13 Moore James Wurgabup WA V SV PP 79.4
14 Cole David Yarloop WA V SV 78.1
15 Purdy Graham Northampton WA 77.0
F Standard-B
1 Stone Martin Subiaco WA 83.2
2 Norwood Ashley Geraldton Greenough WA 82.3
3 Bridges Brian Esperance WA 81.2
4 Carver Neil City of Subiaco WA V SV 81.0
5 Cunningham Noel Yarloop WA V SV 79.1
6 Moffat Ellen Esperance 154 WA V L 77.1
7 Davis Rodney Busselton-Bunbury WA V 77.0
8 Hurst Ric South Perth 7 WA V SV 76.4
9 Lydiate Ross Cuballing 69 WA V SV 73.1
10 Fairclough Belinda Bassendean Bellevue WA L 71.2
11 Harris Hugh City of Subiaco WA V SV 71.1
12 Kuffer-Barillet Danny Bassendean/Bellevue WA V SV 70.2
13 Moore Ashley Wurgabup WA 70.0
F Open
1 Kinnear Bob Boddington WA V SV 87.6
1 Bunyan Brett Boddington WA 87.6
3 Piper Bruce Geraldton Greenough WA V SV 84.4
4 Moffat Adrian Esperance 154 WA 79.4
5 Ogle David Wurgabup WA SV 78.3
5 Stuart John Esperance WA V 78.3
1 Hathaway Gavin Albany WA 82.1
2 Smith Paul Kambalda WA 81.4
3 PORTER John Subiaco Rifle Club 81.3
4 Stoffels Shaun Bassendean Bellvue WA 81.1
5 Dickenson Judy Mundaring WA L 80.2
6 Hurley Michelle Esperance WA L 79.3
7 Whittemore Anna City of Subiaco WA V SV L 75.2

Match 3 - 600mts - 600M #2

Place Last Name Preferred Name Club State Info Score
Division 1
1 McDonald Shayne Albany WA V 50.4
2 Hughes Barry Albany 19 WA V 50.3
3 Forsberg Mick Darwin Rifle Club NT 49.5
4 Hughes Neil City of Subiaco WA V SP 49.3
5 Ozolnieks Andy Mundaring 41 WA V 49.1
6 Milentis Mark Manjimup 137 WA V SP 48.6
7 McShane Warren City of Subiaco WA V 48.0
8 Newbey Scott Wurgabup WA 47.3
9 Crago Stephen Bassendean/Bellevue WA 47.2
9 Joyce Paul Mundaring 41 WA V 47.2
11 Schlink Tony Mundaring WA V 46.3
11 Brooks Ray Chapman Valley 83 WA 46.3
13 Syme Ian Bassendean/Bellevue WA V SP 46.2
13 Bellert John Kalgoorlie 11 WA 46.2
15 Eaton Merv Northam 106 WA V SV 46.1
15 Felton David Albany WA V SV 46.1
17 Sakich Steven Mundaring WA 45.2
18 McShane Stephen City of Subiaco WA V SP 44.2
19 Wagland Janet Perth - Fremantle 293 WA 41.2
Division 2
1 Hitch Jodie Bassendean Bellevue WA L 48.3
2 McCarthy Lara Mount Barker WA L 47.3
3 Trease Alan Manjimup WA T 47.2
4 Turner Graeme Mundaring WA V SV 47.1
5 Concanen Terrence City of Subiaco WA V SV 46.0
6 Hope Chris Perth - Fremantle 293 WA V SV 45.1
7 Lidgard Kent Boddington WA 43.2
8 Frehner Ian Subiaco WA V SV 43.1
8 Hopkin Paul Darling Range WA V SV 43.1
10 Watts Murray Darling Range WA V 42.2
11 Jeffery Tyler Albany WA U 42.0
12 Hicks David City of Subiaco WA V 41.3
13 Dickenson Simon Mundaring 41 WA 41.2
13 Samuel Kerry Mundaring WA V SV 41.2
13 Baxter Jeff Wurgabup WA 41.2
16 Byass Gary Albany 19 WA 40.0
16 McShane Louise City of Subiaco WA V L 40.0
18 Dore Alan Darling Range WA 38.0
18 Rhodes Colin Mundaring WA SV 38.0
F Standard-A
1 Hallam Bill Beverley Rifle Club WA V 58.4
2 Cole David Yarloop WA V SV 58.1
3 Whittemore Tony City of Subiaco WA V SV 57.3
4 Purdy Graham Northampton WA 57.0
5 Lloyd Bruce BassBell WA V SV 56.3
6 Ferres Trevor BassBell WA SV 56.1
7 Sweetman Chappy Carnarvon WA V 54.3
8 Blechynden Denis Beverley Rifle Club WA V SV 53.2
8 Cottrell Catherine Beverley Rifle Club WA L 53.2
10 Oates Graham Busselton-Bunbury Rifle Club WA V 53.1
11 Dei Giudici Ben Carnarvon 65 WA V 52.0
12 Reid Mahlon Boddington 214 WA V SV SP 51.0
13 Moore James Wurgabup WA V SV PP 50.1
14 Lockley Ron Wurgabup WA V SV 48.1
15 Jones Paul Albany 19 WA V 46.0
F Standard-B
1 Carver Neil City of Subiaco WA V SV 54.2
1 Moffat Ellen Esperance 154 WA V L 54.2
3 Bridges Brian Esperance WA 53.0
4 Norwood Ashley Geraldton Greenough WA 52.2
5 Stone Martin Subiaco WA 52.0
6 Fairclough Belinda Bassendean Bellevue WA L 51.1
7 Lydiate Ross Cuballing 69 WA V SV 50.3
8 Moore Ashley Wurgabup WA 50.1
9 Cunningham Noel Yarloop WA V SV 50.0
9 Hurst Ric South Perth 7 WA V SV 50.0
11 Harris Hugh City of Subiaco WA V SV 49.2
12 Davis Rodney Busselton-Bunbury WA V 49.0
13 Kuffer-Barillet Danny Bassendean/Bellevue WA V SV 48.0
14 Alford David Bassendean Bellevue WA V SV 43.1
F Open
1 Bunyan Brett Boddington WA 58.7
2 Kinnear Bob Boddington WA V SV 58.3
3 Piper Bruce Geraldton Greenough WA V SV 56.3
4 Moffat Adrian Esperance 154 WA 55.2
5 Ogle David Wurgabup WA SV 54.4
6 Stuart John Esperance WA V 51.2
1 Stoffels Shaun Bassendean Bellvue WA 56.2
2 PORTER John Subiaco Rifle Club 55.1
3 Dickenson Judy Mundaring WA L 54.2
3 Hurley Michelle Esperance WA L 54.2
5 Whittemore Anna City of Subiaco WA V SV L 52.0
6 Hathaway Gavin Albany WA 51.2
7 Smith Paul Kambalda WA 46.1

Match 2 - 500mts - 500M #1

Place Last Name Preferred Name Club State Info Score
Division 1
1 Hughes Neil City of Subiaco WA V SP 49.5
1 Newbey Scott Wurgabup WA 49.5
3 Ozolnieks Andy Mundaring 41 WA V 49.4
3 McShane Stephen City of Subiaco WA V SP 49.4
3 Milentis Mark Manjimup 137 WA V SP 49.4
6 Felton David Albany WA V SV 48.5
7 Brooks Ray Chapman Valley 83 WA 48.4
7 Forsberg Mick Darwin Rifle Club NT 48.4
7 Eaton Merv Northam 106 WA V SV 48.4
7 Sakich Steven Mundaring WA 48.4
11 Joyce Paul Mundaring 41 WA V 48.3
12 McDonald Shayne Albany WA V 46.3
12 Crago Stephen Bassendean/Bellevue WA 46.3
12 Wagland Janet Perth - Fremantle 293 WA 46.3
15 Hughes Barry Albany 19 WA V 46.2
16 Bellert John Kalgoorlie 11 WA 46.0
17 Schlink Tony Mundaring WA V 45.2
18 Syme Ian Bassendean/Bellevue WA V SP 43.1
18 McShane Warren City of Subiaco WA V 43.1
Division 2
1 Watts Murray Darling Range WA V 48.5
2 McCarthy Lara Mount Barker WA L 48.4
2 Byass Gary Albany 19 WA 48.4
4 Hicks David City of Subiaco WA V 48.1
5 Turner Graeme Mundaring WA V SV 47.4
6 Frehner Ian Subiaco WA V SV 47.2
7 Hitch Jodie Bassendean Bellevue WA L 46.2
8 McShane Louise City of Subiaco WA V L 46.1
9 Trease Alan Manjimup WA T 45.1
9 Lidgard Kent Boddington WA 45.1
11 Samuel Kerry Mundaring WA V SV 45.0
12 Dore Alan Darling Range WA 44.3
13 Baxter Jeff Wurgabup WA 43.3
14 Jeffery Tyler Albany WA U 43.1
15 Rhodes Colin Mundaring WA SV 43.0
16 Hopkin Paul Darling Range WA V SV 42.2
16 Dickenson Simon Mundaring 41 WA 42.2
18 Hope Chris Perth - Fremantle 293 WA V SV 41.1
19 Concanen Terrence City of Subiaco WA V SV 40.1
F Standard-A
1 Purdy Graham Northampton WA 60.3
2 Ferres Trevor BassBell WA SV 59.5
2 Oates Graham Busselton-Bunbury Rifle Club WA V 59.5
4 Reid Mahlon Boddington 214 WA V SV SP 59.3
5 Cottrell Catherine Beverley Rifle Club WA L 57.4
6 Dei Giudici Ben Carnarvon 65 WA V 57.3
6 Hallam Bill Beverley Rifle Club WA V 57.3
8 Blechynden Denis Beverley Rifle Club WA V SV 56.4
9 Whittemore Tony City of Subiaco WA V SV 56.2
9 Cole David Yarloop WA V SV 56.2
11 Lloyd Bruce BassBell WA V SV 54.4
12 Lockley Ron Wurgabup WA V SV 54.2
12 Sweetman Chappy Carnarvon WA V 54.2
14 Jones Paul Albany 19 WA V 53.2
15 Moore James Wurgabup WA V SV PP 50.1
F Standard-B
1 Norwood Ashley Geraldton Greenough WA 58.4
2 Carver Neil City of Subiaco WA V SV 57.2
3 Moffat Ellen Esperance 154 WA V L 55.2
4 Harris Hugh City of Subiaco WA V SV 55.1
5 Hurst Ric South Perth 7 WA V SV 54.1
6 Cunningham Noel Yarloop WA V SV 51.2
7 Moore Ashley Wurgabup WA 51.1
8 Davis Rodney Busselton-Bunbury WA V 50.2
9 Bridges Brian Esperance WA 50.0
9 Lydiate Ross Cuballing 69 WA V SV 50.0
11 Alford David Bassendean Bellevue WA V SV 49.0
12 Stone Martin Subiaco WA 48.1
13 Fairclough Belinda Bassendean Bellevue WA L 47.1
14 Kuffer-Barillet Danny Bassendean/Bellevue WA V SV 31.1
F Open
1 Ogle David Wurgabup WA SV 58.6
2 Bunyan Brett Boddington WA 58.4
3 Kinnear Bob Boddington WA V SV 56.2
4 Moffat Adrian Esperance 154 WA 54.1
5 Piper Bruce Geraldton Greenough WA V SV 53.1
6 Stuart John Esperance WA V 51.0
1 Hurley Michelle Esperance WA L 57.2
2 Stoffels Shaun Bassendean Bellvue WA 55.3
3 Hathaway Gavin Albany WA 55.2
4 Whittemore Anna City of Subiaco WA V SV L 54.2
5 Dickenson Judy Mundaring WA L 53.2
6 Smith Paul Kambalda WA 53.1
7 PORTER John Subiaco Rifle Club 50.0

Match 1 - 300mts - 300M

Place Last Name Preferred Name Club State Info Score
Division 1
1 McShane Warren City of Subiaco WA V 50.7
2 Milentis Mark Manjimup 137 WA V SP 49.4
3 Ozolnieks Andy Mundaring 41 WA V 49.3
4 Forsberg Mick Darwin Rifle Club NT 48.6
5 Hughes Neil City of Subiaco WA V SP 48.5
6 McDonald Shayne Albany WA V 48.3
7 McShane Stephen City of Subiaco WA V SP 48.2
8 Hughes Barry Albany 19 WA V 47.5
9 Sakich Steven Mundaring WA 47.4
10 Syme Ian Bassendean/Bellevue WA V SP 47.1
11 Wagland Janet Perth - Fremantle 293 WA 46.4
12 Felton David Albany WA V SV 46.3
13 Eaton Merv Northam 106 WA V SV 46.2
14 Crago Stephen Bassendean/Bellevue WA 46.1
15 Schlink Tony Mundaring WA V 45.3
16 Bellert John Kalgoorlie 11 WA 45.1
17 Joyce Paul Mundaring 41 WA V 43.2
17 Brooks Ray Chapman Valley 83 WA 43.2
19 Newbey Scott Wurgabup WA 43.0
Division 2
1 McCarthy Lara Mount Barker WA L 49.5
2 Trease Alan Manjimup WA T 49.4
3 Watts Murray Darling Range WA V 48.0
4 Hitch Jodie Bassendean Bellevue WA L 47.1
5 Hicks David City of Subiaco WA V 46.2
6 Hopkin Paul Darling Range WA V SV 45.4
7 Concanen Terrence City of Subiaco WA V SV 45.3
7 Frehner Ian Subiaco WA V SV 45.3
9 Samuel Kerry Mundaring WA V SV 44.3
10 Hope Chris Perth - Fremantle 293 WA V SV 44.1
10 Lidgard Kent Boddington WA 44.1
12 Byass Gary Albany 19 WA 44.0
13 Dore Alan Darling Range WA 43.0
14 Baxter Jeff Wurgabup WA 42.2
15 Jeffery Tyler Albany WA U 42.1
16 McShane Louise City of Subiaco WA V L 41.1
17 Dickenson Simon Mundaring 41 WA 41.0
17 Rhodes Colin Mundaring WA SV 41.0
19 Turner Graeme Mundaring WA V SV 39.1
F Standard-A
1 Oates Graham Busselton-Bunbury Rifle Club WA V 59.5
2 Hallam Bill Beverley Rifle Club WA V 58.6
3 Lloyd Bruce BassBell WA V SV 58.3
3 Purdy Graham Northampton WA 58.3
5 Blechynden Denis Beverley Rifle Club WA V SV 58.1
6 Cottrell Catherine Beverley Rifle Club WA L 57.3
6 Cole David Yarloop WA V SV 57.3
8 Reid Mahlon Boddington 214 WA V SV SP 57.2
9 Sweetman Chappy Carnarvon WA V 56.2
9 Whittemore Tony City of Subiaco WA V SV 56.2
11 Ferres Trevor BassBell WA SV 56.0
12 Dei Giudici Ben Carnarvon 65 WA V 55.3
13 Lockley Ron Wurgabup WA V SV 54.3
14 Jones Paul Albany 19 WA V 52.0
15 Moore James Wurgabup WA V SV PP 51.0
F Standard-B
1 Norwood Ashley Geraldton Greenough WA 58.3
1 Moore Ashley Wurgabup WA 58.3
3 Harris Hugh City of Subiaco WA V SV 56.4
4 Hurst Ric South Perth 7 WA V SV 55.3
5 Lydiate Ross Cuballing 69 WA V SV 54.2
6 Cunningham Noel Yarloop WA V SV 53.3
7 Carver Neil City of Subiaco WA V SV 53.2
8 Davis Rodney Busselton-Bunbury WA V 53.1
9 Moffat Ellen Esperance 154 WA V L 52.2
10 Bridges Brian Esperance WA 51.1
10 Fairclough Belinda Bassendean Bellevue WA L 51.1
12 Alford David Bassendean Bellevue WA V SV 50.1
13 Stone Martin Subiaco WA 46.0
14 Kuffer-Barillet Danny Bassendean/Bellevue WA V SV 28.0
F Open
1 Bunyan Brett Boddington WA 60.7
2 Ogle David Wurgabup WA SV 59.4
3 Kinnear Bob Boddington WA V SV 58.5
4 Piper Bruce Geraldton Greenough WA V SV 56.2
5 Moffat Adrian Esperance 154 WA 55.1
6 Stuart John Esperance WA V 48.0
1 Stoffels Shaun Bassendean Bellvue WA 57.1
2 Whittemore Anna City of Subiaco WA V SV L 55.3
3 Hurley Michelle Esperance WA L 55.2
4 Dickenson Judy Mundaring WA L 52.3
5 Hathaway Gavin Albany WA 51.3
6 Smith Paul Kambalda WA 48.1
7 PORTER John Subiaco Rifle Club 23.1