UQRC OPM 2024 Results

Match 8 - Aggregate - Grand Aggregate

Place Last Name Preferred Name Club State Info Score
Target Rifle - A
1 O Loghlen Kimbo Natives 327.35
2 Parkins Brendan Albert District QLD 325.36
3 Crawford Bob Natives QLD 325.35
4 Arrowsmith Charles Brisbane Mariners QLD V 324.38
5 Brinin Isaac Natives QLD U J 319.39
6 Thompson Don Natives QLD V SP 316.30
Target Rifle - B
1 Stephens Brett Brisbane Mariners QLD 308.30
2 Mueller Rudi Natives 306.24
3 Burgess Greg Murwillumbah QLD 297.15
4 Kettle Brett Brisbane Mariners QLD V 294.18
Target Rifle - C
1 Townsend Scott University of QLD QLD 298.17
2 Cruice Alexander University Of Qld QLD 298.11
3 Thomas Warwick Natives 297.23
4 Wiid Zyden Natives QLD U J T 285.21
5 Stewart Darryl Brisbane Mariners QLD 279.15
6 Baker Andrew University of Queensland QLD 273.16
F Standard - A
1 Hooson Corrie North Arm Rifle Club QLD 382.22
2 Voght Des North Arm QLD V 381.26
3 Doggen Henk Beaudesert QLD V SV 379.27
4 Rice Brendan Wingham Rifle Club NSW 377.22
5 Li David Natives QLD 373.24
6 Davidson Ivor Natives QLD 367.14
7 Patti Darryl Beaudesert QLD V 365.14
8 Dunsmore Jim North Arm QLD V 362.15
9 Free Wendy University Of Qld QLD L 357.15
F Standard - B
1 Ward Daniel Albert District QLD 373.18
2 Tan Tan City of Brisbane QLD V 369.19
3 Kitching Chris-Thomas Natives QLD 368.14
4 Maguire Brian Gold Coast City QLD V T 365.21
5 Spann Julia Pacific QLD L 364.14
6 Noonan Peter Natives QLD V 358.20
7 Wiid Pieter Natives QLD 358.16
8 Bunt Brett University Of Qld QLD 343.10
9 Sophios Gregory Brisbane Mariners QLD V 337.10
10 Doig Peter Pacific QLD 317.6
F Open - FO
1 Potter Brian Brisbane Mariners QLD 392.37
2 Kelly Danny University Of Qld 390.33
3 Knox Frans Pacific QLD 390.31
4 Broom Peter Beaudesert QLD 390.26
5 Ploch Oliver Natives V 385.35
6 OBrien Bill Beaudesert QLD V 384.29
7 Ralph Leonie Beaudesert Rifle Club QLD V L 383.21
8 McClymont Don Goondiwindi QLD T 378.19
9 Mace Ernie City of Brisbane QLD V SV 376.27
10 Morgan Steven Beaudesert QLD 371.16
11 Daniels Tim Beaudesert QLD V 368.22
12 Daniels Fiona Beaudesert QLD L 366.23
13 Downes John Muckadilla QLD V 366.16
14 Devine Karon Crows Nest/Goombungee QLD V L 324.11
1 Wardrop Jeremy University of QLD QLD 387.24
2 Hook James Muckadilla QLD 382.24
3 Lahey Glenn North Arm QLD V T 381.20
4 Slee Nikki University of QLD QLD L 376.19
5 Mayers Jason University of QLD QLD 375.21
6 Clarkson Brett Natives QLD 371.18
7 Samuels Mike Beaudesert QLD V 367.14
8 Crawford Kristine Natives L 365.13
9 Free Cameron University Of Qld QLD 364.18
Sporter - Production Class - Sporter PC
1 Benjamin Douglas Beaudesert 323.38
2 Mann Nathan Pacific QLD 323.31
3 Davies Lorretta Pacific QLD L 320.34
4 McDonald Ian Muckadilla QLD V 320.29
5 McDonald Joel Muckadilla QLD 318.23
6 Chay Tony Geelong VIC 303.23

Match 7 - Aggregate - Day 2 Aggregate

Place Last Name Preferred Name Club State Info Score
Target Rifle - A
1 O Loghlen Kimbo Natives 222.19
2 Crawford Bob Natives QLD 221.21
3 Parkins Brendan Albert District QLD 220.23
4 Arrowsmith Charles Brisbane Mariners QLD V 219.24
5 Brinin Isaac Natives QLD U J 214.23
6 Thompson Don Natives QLD V SP 211.17
7 Howlett Kevin Albert District QLD V 199.15
Target Rifle - B
1 Stephens Brett Brisbane Mariners QLD 205.15
2 Mueller Rudi Natives 203.15
3 Burgess Greg Murwillumbah QLD 196.11
4 Kettle Brett Brisbane Mariners QLD V 194.9
Target Rifle - C
1 Townsend Scott University of QLD QLD 200.8
2 Cruice Alexander University Of Qld QLD 199.8
3 Thomas Warwick Natives 195.14
4 Wiid Zyden Natives QLD U J T 184.10
5 Baker Andrew University of Queensland QLD 178.9
6 Stewart Darryl Brisbane Mariners QLD 178.5
F Standard - A
1 Hooson Corrie North Arm Rifle Club QLD 259.13
2 Voght Des North Arm QLD V 256.15
3 Doggen Henk Beaudesert QLD V SV 253.16
4 Rice Brendan Wingham Rifle Club NSW 253.12
5 Li David Natives QLD 250.14
6 Patti Darryl Beaudesert QLD V 243.8
7 Dunsmore Jim North Arm QLD V 242.11
8 Davidson Ivor Natives QLD 242.3
9 Free Wendy University Of Qld QLD L 233.4
F Standard - B
1 Ward Daniel Albert District QLD 248.13
2 Tan Tan City of Brisbane QLD V 248.12
3 Maguire Brian Gold Coast City QLD V T 245.13
4 Kitching Chris-Thomas Natives QLD 244.8
5 Wiid Pieter Natives QLD 243.14
6 Spann Julia Pacific QLD L 241.7
7 Noonan Peter Natives QLD V 237.9
8 Bunt Brett University Of Qld QLD 222.3
9 Sophios Gregory Brisbane Mariners QLD V 220.5
10 Doig Peter Pacific QLD 203.2
F Open - FO
1 Potter Brian Brisbane Mariners QLD 266.21
2 Knox Frans Pacific QLD 264.21
3 Kelly Danny University Of Qld 264.18
4 Broom Peter Beaudesert QLD 264.12
5 Ploch Oliver Natives V 260.21
6 de Kock Douw University Of Qld QLD 259.13
7 OBrien Bill Beaudesert QLD V 258.16
8 Ralph Leonie Beaudesert Rifle Club QLD V L 257.11
9 Mace Ernie City of Brisbane QLD V SV 256.16
10 McClymont Don Goondiwindi QLD T 254.11
11 Morgan Steven Beaudesert QLD 249.7
12 Daniels Tim Beaudesert QLD V 246.11
13 Downes John Muckadilla QLD V 242.7
14 Daniels Fiona Beaudesert QLD L 240.11
15 Devine Karon Crows Nest/Goombungee QLD V L 207.2
1 Wardrop Jeremy University of QLD QLD 261.14
2 Hook James Muckadilla QLD 258.13
3 Lahey Glenn North Arm QLD V T 258.12
4 Slee Nikki University of QLD QLD L 253.11
5 Mayers Jason University of QLD QLD 250.9
6 Clarkson Brett Natives QLD 249.11
7 Samuels Mike Beaudesert QLD V 247.10
8 McKillop Andrew Pacific QLD 244.6
9 Free Cameron University Of Qld QLD 239.10
10 Crawford Kristine Natives L 239.5
11 Millingen Ron Beaudesert QLD V SV 230.5
Sporter - Production Class - Sporter PC
1 Benjamin Douglas Beaudesert 218.23
2 Mann Nathan Pacific QLD 218.17
3 Davies Lorretta Pacific QLD L 217.20
4 McDonald Ian Muckadilla QLD V 217.18
5 McDonald Joel Muckadilla QLD 214.13
6 Chay Tony Geelong VIC 200.15

Match 6 - 1000 yds - 1000 yds (1)

Place Last Name Preferred Name Club State Info Score
Target Rifle - A
1 Parkins Brendan Albert District QLD 73.9
2 O Loghlen Kimbo Natives 73.4
3 Crawford Bob Natives QLD 71.6
4 Arrowsmith Charles Brisbane Mariners QLD V 70.4
5 Brinin Isaac Natives QLD U J 66.6
6 Thompson Don Natives QLD V SP 66.6
7 Howlett Kevin Albert District QLD V 65.5
Target Rifle - B
1 Stephens Brett Brisbane Mariners QLD 66.4
2 Burgess Greg Murwillumbah QLD 62.3
3 Mueller Rudi Natives 59.2
4 Kettle Brett Brisbane Mariners QLD V 59.2
Target Rifle - C
1 Townsend Scott University of QLD QLD 68.3
2 Cruice Alexander University Of Qld QLD 62.3
3 Thomas Warwick Natives 59.4
4 Baker Andrew University of Queensland QLD 51.1
5 Stewart Darryl Brisbane Mariners QLD 50.0
6 Wiid Zyden Natives QLD U J T 47.2
F Standard - A
1 Hooson Corrie North Arm Rifle Club QLD 88.7
2 Dunsmore Jim North Arm QLD V 82.3
3 Rice Brendan Wingham Rifle Club NSW 82.3
4 Li David Natives QLD 81.3
5 Voght Des North Arm QLD V 80.2
6 Doggen Henk Beaudesert QLD V SV 79.3
7 Patti Darryl Beaudesert QLD V 78.3
8 Davidson Ivor Natives QLD 76.0
9 Free Wendy University Of Qld QLD L 63.0
F Standard - B
1 Ward Daniel Albert District QLD 80.3
2 Tan Tan City of Brisbane QLD V 79.3
3 Maguire Brian Gold Coast City QLD V T 76.2
4 Spann Julia Pacific QLD L 75.3
5 Wiid Pieter Natives QLD 74.3
6 Kitching Chris-Thomas Natives QLD 74.1
7 Sophios Gregory Brisbane Mariners QLD V 69.0
8 Noonan Peter Natives QLD V 68.1
9 Bunt Brett University Of Qld QLD 64.0
10 Doig Peter Pacific QLD 64.0
F Open - FO
1 Potter Brian Brisbane Mariners QLD 87.5
2 OBrien Bill Beaudesert QLD V 86.6
3 Kelly Danny University Of Qld 86.4
4 Broom Peter Beaudesert QLD 85.4
5 Knox Frans Pacific QLD 85.3
6 McClymont Don Goondiwindi QLD T 85.3
7 Ralph Leonie Beaudesert Rifle Club QLD V L 85.1
8 Mace Ernie City of Brisbane QLD V SV 84.6
9 Ploch Oliver Natives V 82.4
10 de Kock Douw University Of Qld QLD 82.3
11 Daniels Tim Beaudesert QLD V 80.1
12 Morgan Steven Beaudesert QLD 79.1
13 Downes John Muckadilla QLD V 75.1
14 Devine Karon Crows Nest/Goombungee QLD V L 69.0
15 Daniels Fiona Beaudesert QLD L 67.1
1 Wardrop Jeremy University of QLD QLD 86.6
2 Lahey Glenn North Arm QLD V T 83.3
3 Slee Nikki University of QLD QLD L 80.4
4 Samuels Mike Beaudesert QLD V 80.1
5 Mayers Jason University of QLD QLD 79.4
6 Crawford Kristine Natives L 79.3
7 Hook James Muckadilla QLD 79.3
8 McKillop Andrew Pacific QLD 79.2
9 Clarkson Brett Natives QLD 78.1
10 Free Cameron University Of Qld QLD 69.3
11 Millingen Ron Beaudesert QLD V SV 68.0
Sporter - Production Class - Sporter PC
1 Mann Nathan Pacific QLD 74.4
2 Davies Lorretta Pacific QLD L 69.4
3 McDonald Ian Muckadilla QLD V 69.4
4 Benjamin Douglas Beaudesert 68.4
5 McDonald Joel Muckadilla QLD 67.2
6 Chay Tony Geelong VIC 58.1

Match 5 - 900 yds (2) - 900 yds (2)

Place Last Name Preferred Name Club State Info Score
Target Rifle - A
1 Crawford Bob Natives QLD 75.8
2 Arrowsmith Charles Brisbane Mariners QLD V 74.7
3 O Loghlen Kimbo Natives 74.6
4 Brinin Isaac Natives QLD U J 73.8
5 Parkins Brendan Albert District QLD 72.6
6 Thompson Don Natives QLD V SP 72.5
7 Howlett Kevin Albert District QLD V 67.6
Target Rifle - B
1 Mueller Rudi Natives 70.5
2 Stephens Brett Brisbane Mariners QLD 68.6
3 Kettle Brett Brisbane Mariners QLD V 65.3
4 Burgess Greg Murwillumbah QLD 64.2
Target Rifle - C
1 Wiid Zyden Natives QLD U J T 67.3
2 Cruice Alexander University Of Qld QLD 66.1
3 Thomas Warwick Natives 64.5
4 Townsend Scott University of QLD QLD 64.4
5 Stewart Darryl Brisbane Mariners QLD 59.3
6 Baker Andrew University of Queensland QLD 59.2
F Standard - A
1 Doggen Henk Beaudesert QLD V SV 88.5
2 Voght Des North Arm QLD V 86.5
3 Li David Natives QLD 86.3
4 Hooson Corrie North Arm Rifle Club QLD 84.5
5 Rice Brendan Wingham Rifle Club NSW 84.4
6 Free Wendy University Of Qld QLD L 84.2
7 Patti Darryl Beaudesert QLD V 83.3
8 Davidson Ivor Natives QLD 82.0
9 Dunsmore Jim North Arm QLD V 80.2
F Standard - B
1 Maguire Brian Gold Coast City QLD V T 86.7
2 Spann Julia Pacific QLD L 85.2
3 Noonan Peter Natives QLD V 84.1
4 Kitching Chris-Thomas Natives QLD 83.4
5 Ward Daniel Albert District QLD 81.4
6 Tan Tan City of Brisbane QLD V 80.3
7 Wiid Pieter Natives QLD 80.1
8 Bunt Brett University Of Qld QLD 79.1
9 Sophios Gregory Brisbane Mariners QLD V 77.2
10 Doig Peter Pacific QLD 70.1
F Open - FO
1 Broom Peter Beaudesert QLD 90.3
2 Knox Frans Pacific QLD 89.8
3 Potter Brian Brisbane Mariners QLD 89.5
4 de Kock Douw University Of Qld QLD 89.4
5 Ploch Oliver Natives V 88.7
6 Kelly Danny University Of Qld 88.3
7 Ralph Leonie Beaudesert Rifle Club QLD V L 86.5
8 McClymont Don Goondiwindi QLD T 85.3
9 Mace Ernie City of Brisbane QLD V SV 84.5
10 Daniels Tim Beaudesert QLD V 83.5
11 OBrien Bill Beaudesert QLD V 83.3
12 Morgan Steven Beaudesert QLD 83.2
13 Daniels Fiona Beaudesert QLD L 83.1
14 Downes John Muckadilla QLD V 80.1
15 Devine Karon Crows Nest/Goombungee QLD V L 69.0
1 Hook James Muckadilla QLD 90.5
2 Wardrop Jeremy University of QLD QLD 89.3
3 Lahey Glenn North Arm QLD V T 87.3
4 Slee Nikki University of QLD QLD L 85.2
5 Free Cameron University Of Qld QLD 84.3
6 Samuels Mike Beaudesert QLD V 84.3
7 Mayers Jason University of QLD QLD 84.1
8 Clarkson Brett Natives QLD 83.2
9 Millingen Ron Beaudesert QLD V SV 82.2
10 McKillop Andrew Pacific QLD 82.2
11 Crawford Kristine Natives L 76.2
Sporter - Production Class - Sporter PC
1 Benjamin Douglas Beaudesert 75.9
2 Davies Lorretta Pacific QLD L 73.6
3 McDonald Ian Muckadilla QLD V 73.5
4 McDonald Joel Muckadilla QLD 72.4
5 Chay Tony Geelong VIC 70.6
6 Mann Nathan Pacific QLD 69.3

Match 4 - 900 yds (1) - 900 yds (1)

Place Last Name Preferred Name Club State Info Score
Target Rifle - A
1 Arrowsmith Charles Brisbane Mariners QLD V 75.13
2 O Loghlen Kimbo Natives 75.9
3 Brinin Isaac Natives QLD U J 75.9
4 Parkins Brendan Albert District QLD 75.8
5 Crawford Bob Natives QLD 75.7
6 Thompson Don Natives QLD V SP 73.6
7 Howlett Kevin Albert District QLD V 67.4
Target Rifle - B
1 Mueller Rudi Natives 74.8
2 Stephens Brett Brisbane Mariners QLD 71.5
3 Burgess Greg Murwillumbah QLD 70.6
4 Kettle Brett Brisbane Mariners QLD V 70.4
Target Rifle - C
1 Thomas Warwick Natives 72.5
2 Cruice Alexander University Of Qld QLD 71.4
3 Wiid Zyden Natives QLD U J T 70.5
4 Stewart Darryl Brisbane Mariners QLD 69.2
5 Baker Andrew University of Queensland QLD 68.6
6 Townsend Scott University of QLD QLD 68.1
F Standard - A
1 Voght Des North Arm QLD V 90.8
2 Rice Brendan Wingham Rifle Club NSW 87.5
3 Hooson Corrie North Arm Rifle Club QLD 87.1
4 Doggen Henk Beaudesert QLD V SV 86.8
5 Free Wendy University Of Qld QLD L 86.2
6 Davidson Ivor Natives QLD 84.3
7 Li David Natives QLD 83.8
8 Patti Darryl Beaudesert QLD V 82.2
9 Dunsmore Jim North Arm QLD V 80.6
F Standard - B
1 Wiid Pieter Natives QLD 89.10
2 Tan Tan City of Brisbane QLD V 89.6
3 Ward Daniel Albert District QLD 87.6
4 Kitching Chris-Thomas Natives QLD 87.3
5 Noonan Peter Natives QLD V 85.7
6 Maguire Brian Gold Coast City QLD V T 83.4
7 Spann Julia Pacific QLD L 81.2
8 Bunt Brett University Of Qld QLD 79.2
9 Sophios Gregory Brisbane Mariners QLD V 74.3
10 Doig Peter Pacific QLD 69.1
F Open - FO
1 Potter Brian Brisbane Mariners QLD 90.11
2 Kelly Danny University Of Qld 90.11
3 Knox Frans Pacific QLD 90.10
4 Ploch Oliver Natives V 90.10
5 Daniels Fiona Beaudesert QLD L 90.9
6 OBrien Bill Beaudesert QLD V 89.7
7 Broom Peter Beaudesert QLD 89.5
8 de Kock Douw University Of Qld QLD 88.6
9 Mace Ernie City of Brisbane QLD V SV 88.5
10 Downes John Muckadilla QLD V 87.5
11 Morgan Steven Beaudesert QLD 87.4
12 Ralph Leonie Beaudesert Rifle Club QLD V L 86.5
13 McClymont Don Goondiwindi QLD T 84.5
14 Daniels Tim Beaudesert QLD V 83.5
15 Devine Karon Crows Nest/Goombungee QLD V L 69.2
1 Hook James Muckadilla QLD 89.5
2 Clarkson Brett Natives QLD 88.8
3 Lahey Glenn North Arm QLD V T 88.6
4 Slee Nikki University of QLD QLD L 88.5
5 Mayers Jason University of QLD QLD 87.4
6 Wardrop Jeremy University of QLD QLD 86.5
7 Free Cameron University Of Qld QLD 86.4
8 Crawford Kristine Natives L 84.0
9 Samuels Mike Beaudesert QLD V 83.6
10 McKillop Andrew Pacific QLD 83.2
11 Millingen Ron Beaudesert QLD V SV 80.3
Sporter - Production Class - Sporter PC
1 Benjamin Douglas Beaudesert 75.10
2 Davies Lorretta Pacific QLD L 75.10
3 Mann Nathan Pacific QLD 75.10
4 McDonald Ian Muckadilla QLD V 75.9
5 McDonald Joel Muckadilla QLD 75.7
6 Chay Tony Geelong VIC 72.8

Match 3 - Aggregate - Day 1 Aggregate

Place Last Name Preferred Name Club State Info Score
Target Rifle - A
1 Crawford Jessica Natives QLD L U J 105.18
2 Teglasi Mirko Natives 105.16
3 O Loghlen Kimbo Natives 105.16
4 Brinin Isaac Natives QLD U J 105.16
5 Arrowsmith Charles Brisbane Mariners QLD V 105.14
6 Thompson Don Natives QLD V SP 105.13
7 Parkins Brendan Albert District QLD 105.13
8 Edser George Central QLD V SV 105.11
9 Spence James Natives QLD 105.11
10 Grosskreutz Geoff Central QLD V SV 105.10
11 Crawford Bob Natives QLD 104.14
12 Robson Scott Albert District QLD 104.12
13 ODonnell Leigh Pacific QLD 104.10
14 Cadden Rob Central QLD V SV 103.10
15 Duncan Gordon Central QLD V 103.9
16 Grant Geoff Brisbane Mariners QLD 103.9
Target Rifle - B
1 Vinter Lyle Natives QLD 104.8
2 Stephens Brett Brisbane Mariners QLD 103.15
3 Mueller Rudi Natives 103.9
4 Hucks Byron Albert District QLD V 102.8
5 Errington Ian Natives V 102.7
6 Burgess Greg Murwillumbah QLD 101.4
7 Kettle Brett Brisbane Mariners QLD V 100.9
8 Howie Robert Brisbane Mariners QLD SP 97.7
Target Rifle - C
1 Thomas Warwick Natives 102.9
2 Wiid Zyden Natives QLD U J T 101.11
3 Stewart Darryl Brisbane Mariners QLD 101.10
4 Cruice Alexander University Of Qld QLD 99.3
5 Townsend Scott University of QLD QLD 98.9
6 Baker Andrew University of Queensland QLD 95.7
7 Noonan Joseph Natives QLD 91.2
F Standard - A
1 McKillop Andrew Pacific QLD 126.12
2 Doggen Henk Beaudesert QLD V SV 126.11
3 Davidson Ivor Natives QLD 125.11
4 Voght Des North Arm QLD V 125.11
5 Free Wendy University Of Qld QLD L 124.11
6 Rice Brendan Wingham Rifle Club NSW 124.10
7 Li David Natives QLD 123.10
8 Hooson Corrie North Arm Rifle Club QLD 123.9
9 Power Melanie Pacific QLD L 122.8
10 Patti Darryl Beaudesert QLD V 122.6
11 Norton Bradley Gold Coast City QLD 121.8
12 Dunsmore Jim North Arm QLD V 120.4
F Standard - B
1 Morgan Keith Brisbane Mariners QLD 125.11
2 johnson Paul Brisbane Mariners V 125.10
3 Ward Daniel Albert District QLD 125.5
4 Kitching Chris-Thomas Natives QLD 124.6
5 Spann Julia Pacific QLD L 123.7
6 Noonan Peter Natives QLD V 121.11
7 Tan Tan City of Brisbane QLD V 121.7
8 Bunt Brett University Of Qld QLD 121.7
9 Pickles Brian Natives QLD V SV 121.4
10 Maguire Brian Gold Coast City QLD V T 120.8
11 Sophios Gregory Brisbane Mariners QLD V 117.5
12 Wiid Pieter Natives QLD 115.2
13 Doig Peter Pacific QLD 114.4
14 Bowman Ron Gatton Glenore Grove QLD V 105.4
F Open - FO
1 Potter Brian Brisbane Mariners QLD 126.16
2 Petroff Christopher Albert District QLD 126.15
3 Kelly Danny University Of Qld 126.15
4 Broom Peter Beaudesert QLD 126.14
5 OBrien Bill Beaudesert QLD V 126.13
6 Daniels Fiona Beaudesert QLD L 126.12
7 Knox Frans Pacific QLD 126.10
8 Ralph Leonie Beaudesert Rifle Club QLD V L 126.10
9 Ploch Oliver Natives V 125.14
10 Chapman Anthony Gold Coast City QLD 125.10
11 Downes John Muckadilla QLD V 124.9
12 McClymont Don Goondiwindi QLD T 124.8
13 Daniels Tim Beaudesert QLD V 122.11
14 Morgan Steven Beaudesert QLD 122.9
15 Mace Ernie City of Brisbane QLD V SV 120.11
16 Kruger Kevin Beaudesert QLD 119.9
17 Devine Karon Crows Nest/Goombungee QLD V L 117.9
1 Lindley Leon University Of Qld QLD 126.13
2 Wardrop Jeremy University of QLD QLD 126.10
3 Crawford Kristine Natives L 126.8
4 Burnham Lucas University Of Qld QLD 125.15
5 Mayers Jason University of QLD QLD 125.12
6 Stevens John Natives QLD 125.9
7 Free Cameron University Of Qld QLD 125.8
8 Hook James Muckadilla QLD 124.11
9 Lahey Glenn North Arm QLD V T 123.8
10 Slee Nikki University of QLD QLD L 123.8
11 Clarkson Brett Natives QLD 122.7
12 Broom Nikki Pacific QLD L 121.7
13 Samuels Mike Beaudesert QLD V 120.4
14 Marks Ian City of Brisbane QLD V SV 116.8
Sporter - Production Class - Sporter PC
1 Benjamin Douglas Beaudesert 105.15
2 Mann Nathan Pacific QLD 105.14
3 Cundall Ruth Pacific QLD L 105.14
4 McDonald Joel Muckadilla QLD 104.10
5 Davies Lorretta Pacific QLD L 103.14
6 McDonald Ian Muckadilla QLD V 103.11
7 Howard Christopher University Of Qld QLD 103.8
8 Chay Tony Geelong VIC 103.8
9 Sum Jeremy Pacific QLD 98.9

Match 2 - 800 yds (2) - 800 yds (2)

Place Last Name Preferred Name Club State Info Score
Target Rifle - A
1 Crawford Jessica Natives QLD L U J 55.11
2 Thompson Don Natives QLD V SP 55.10
3 Teglasi Mirko Natives 55.9
4 Parkins Brendan Albert District QLD 55.8
5 O Loghlen Kimbo Natives 55.8
6 Brinin Isaac Natives QLD U J 55.8
7 Crawford Bob Natives QLD 55.7
8 Arrowsmith Charles Brisbane Mariners QLD V 55.6
9 Edser George Central QLD V SV 55.6
10 Spence James Natives QLD 55.6
11 Grosskreutz Geoff Central QLD V SV 55.6
12 ODonnell Leigh Pacific QLD 55.5
13 Robson Scott Albert District QLD 54.6
14 Duncan Gordon Central QLD V 54.5
15 Grant Geoff Brisbane Mariners QLD 54.3
16 Cadden Rob Central QLD V SV 53.3
Target Rifle - B
1 Stephens Brett Brisbane Mariners QLD 55.9
2 Vinter Lyle Natives QLD 54.4
3 Mueller Rudi Natives 54.4
4 Hucks Byron Albert District QLD V 54.4
5 Burgess Greg Murwillumbah QLD 54.3
6 Errington Ian Natives V 53.4
7 Kettle Brett Brisbane Mariners QLD V 52.5
8 Howie Robert Brisbane Mariners QLD SP 50.5
Target Rifle - C
1 Stewart Darryl Brisbane Mariners QLD 54.6
2 Wiid Zyden Natives QLD U J T 54.6
3 Thomas Warwick Natives 54.4
4 Baker Andrew University of Queensland QLD 54.4
5 Cruice Alexander University Of Qld QLD 51.2
6 Townsend Scott University of QLD QLD 50.3
7 Noonan Joseph Natives QLD 46.2
F Standard - A
1 McKillop Andrew Pacific QLD 66.8
2 Voght Des North Arm QLD V 66.7
3 Davidson Ivor Natives QLD 66.7
4 Free Wendy University Of Qld QLD L 66.6
5 Doggen Henk Beaudesert QLD V SV 66.6
6 Hooson Corrie North Arm Rifle Club QLD 66.6
7 Rice Brendan Wingham Rifle Club NSW 65.6
8 Patti Darryl Beaudesert QLD V 65.4
9 Li David Natives QLD 64.5
10 Norton Bradley Gold Coast City QLD 63.6
11 Power Melanie Pacific QLD L 63.5
12 Dunsmore Jim North Arm QLD V 63.2
F Standard - B
1 Noonan Peter Natives QLD V 66.7
2 johnson Paul Brisbane Mariners V 66.4
3 Pickles Brian Natives QLD V SV 66.3
4 Ward Daniel Albert District QLD 66.3
5 Spann Julia Pacific QLD L 65.6
6 Morgan Keith Brisbane Mariners QLD 65.5
7 Kitching Chris-Thomas Natives QLD 64.4
8 Tan Tan City of Brisbane QLD V 64.3
9 Bunt Brett University Of Qld QLD 64.3
10 Maguire Brian Gold Coast City QLD V T 61.4
11 Wiid Pieter Natives QLD 61.1
12 Sophios Gregory Brisbane Mariners QLD V 59.2
13 Doig Peter Pacific QLD 59.1
14 Bowman Ron Gatton Glenore Grove QLD V 46.1
F Open - FO
1 Broom Peter Beaudesert QLD 66.9
2 Petroff Christopher Albert District QLD 66.9
3 Kelly Danny University Of Qld 66.8
4 Daniels Fiona Beaudesert QLD L 66.7
5 Potter Brian Brisbane Mariners QLD 66.7
6 Knox Frans Pacific QLD 66.7
7 Ralph Leonie Beaudesert Rifle Club QLD V L 66.6
8 Mace Ernie City of Brisbane QLD V SV 66.6
9 Downes John Muckadilla QLD V 66.6
10 OBrien Bill Beaudesert QLD V 66.6
10 Chapman Anthony Gold Coast City QLD 66.6
12 Ploch Oliver Natives V 65.9
13 McClymont Don Goondiwindi QLD T 65.2
14 Daniels Tim Beaudesert QLD V 64.6
15 Devine Karon Crows Nest/Goombungee QLD V L 64.5
16 Morgan Steven Beaudesert QLD 64.4
17 Kruger Kevin Beaudesert QLD 63.5
1 Hook James Muckadilla QLD 66.8
2 Lahey Glenn North Arm QLD V T 66.7
3 Burnham Lucas University Of Qld QLD 66.7
4 Wardrop Jeremy University of QLD QLD 66.6
5 Mayers Jason University of QLD QLD 66.6
6 Crawford Kristine Natives L 66.5
7 Lindley Leon University Of Qld QLD 66.4
8 Stevens John Natives QLD 65.7
9 Marks Ian City of Brisbane QLD V SV 65.6
10 Free Cameron University Of Qld QLD 65.5
11 Clarkson Brett Natives QLD 65.4
12 Mitchell Scott Murwillumbah NSW V 65.4
13 Broom Nikki Pacific QLD L 64.5
14 Slee Nikki University of QLD QLD L 64.2
15 Samuels Mike Beaudesert QLD V 62.0
Sporter - Production Class - Sporter PC
1 Mann Nathan Pacific QLD 55.9
2 Cundall Ruth Pacific QLD L 55.8
3 Davies Lorretta Pacific QLD L 55.8
4 McDonald Ian Muckadilla QLD V 55.7
5 Benjamin Douglas Beaudesert 55.7
6 Sum Jeremy Pacific QLD 55.5
7 McDonald Joel Muckadilla QLD 55.5
8 Howard Christopher University Of Qld QLD 54.5
9 Chay Tony Geelong VIC 53.4

Match 1 - 800 yds (1) Pam Kraut Memorial - 800 Yds (1) Pam Kraut Memorial

Place Last Name Preferred Name Club State Info Score
Target Rifle - A
1 Arrowsmith Charles Brisbane Mariners QLD V 50.8
2 O Loghlen Kimbo Natives 50.8
3 Brinin Isaac Natives QLD U J 50.8
4 Cadden Rob Central QLD V SV 50.7
5 Crawford Jessica Natives QLD L U J 50.7
6 Teglasi Mirko Natives 50.7
7 Robson Scott Albert District QLD 50.6
8 Spence James Natives QLD 50.5
9 Edser George Central QLD V SV 50.5
10 Parkins Brendan Albert District QLD 50.5
11 Grosskreutz Geoff Central QLD V SV 50.4
12 Thompson Don Natives QLD V SP 50.3
13 Crawford Bob Natives QLD 49.7
14 Grant Geoff Brisbane Mariners QLD 49.6
15 ODonnell Leigh Pacific QLD 49.5
16 Duncan Gordon Central QLD V 49.4
Target Rifle - B
1 Vinter Lyle Natives QLD 50.4
2 Mueller Rudi Natives 49.5
3 Errington Ian Natives V 49.3
4 Stephens Brett Brisbane Mariners QLD 48.6
5 Kettle Brett Brisbane Mariners QLD V 48.4
6 Hucks Byron Albert District QLD V 48.4
7 Howie Robert Brisbane Mariners QLD SP 47.2
8 Burgess Greg Murwillumbah QLD 47.1
Target Rifle - C
1 Townsend Scott University of QLD QLD 48.6
2 Thomas Warwick Natives 48.5
3 Cruice Alexander University Of Qld QLD 48.1
4 Wiid Zyden Natives QLD U J T 47.5
5 Stewart Darryl Brisbane Mariners QLD 47.4
6 Noonan Joseph Natives QLD 45.0
7 Baker Andrew University of Queensland QLD 41.3
F Standard - A
1 Doggen Henk Beaudesert QLD V SV 60.5
2 McKillop Andrew Pacific QLD 60.4
3 Li David Natives QLD 59.5
4 Davidson Ivor Natives QLD 59.4
5 Voght Des North Arm QLD V 59.4
6 Rice Brendan Wingham Rifle Club NSW 59.4
7 Power Melanie Pacific QLD L 59.3
8 Free Wendy University Of Qld QLD L 58.5
9 Norton Bradley Gold Coast City QLD 58.2
10 Hooson Corrie North Arm Rifle Club QLD 57.3
11 Dunsmore Jim North Arm QLD V 57.2
12 Patti Darryl Beaudesert QLD V 57.2
F Standard - B
1 Morgan Keith Brisbane Mariners QLD 60.6
2 Kitching Chris-Thomas Natives QLD 60.2
3 johnson Paul Brisbane Mariners V 59.6
4 Maguire Brian Gold Coast City QLD V T 59.4
5 Bowman Ron Gatton Glenore Grove QLD V 59.3
6 Ward Daniel Albert District QLD 59.2
7 Sophios Gregory Brisbane Mariners QLD V 58.3
8 Spann Julia Pacific QLD L 58.1
9 Tan Tan City of Brisbane QLD V 57.4
10 Bunt Brett University Of Qld QLD 57.4
11 Noonan Peter Natives QLD V 55.4
12 Doig Peter Pacific QLD 55.3
13 Pickles Brian Natives QLD V SV 55.1
14 Wiid Pieter Natives QLD 54.1
F Open - FO
1 Potter Brian Brisbane Mariners QLD 60.9
2 Kelly Danny University Of Qld 60.7
3 OBrien Bill Beaudesert QLD V 60.7
4 Petroff Christopher Albert District QLD 60.6
5 Ploch Oliver Natives V 60.5
6 Daniels Fiona Beaudesert QLD L 60.5
7 Broom Peter Beaudesert QLD 60.5
8 Ralph Leonie Beaudesert Rifle Club QLD V L 60.4
9 Knox Frans Pacific QLD 60.3
10 McClymont Don Goondiwindi QLD T 59.6
11 Chapman Anthony Gold Coast City QLD 59.4
12 Morgan Steven Beaudesert QLD 58.5
13 Daniels Tim Beaudesert QLD V 58.5
14 Downes John Muckadilla QLD V 58.3
15 Kruger Kevin Beaudesert QLD 56.4
16 Mace Ernie City of Brisbane QLD V SV 54.5
17 Devine Karon Crows Nest/Goombungee QLD V L 53.4
1 Lindley Leon University Of Qld QLD 60.9
2 Wardrop Jeremy University of QLD QLD 60.4
3 Crawford Kristine Natives L 60.3
4 Free Cameron University Of Qld QLD 60.3
5 Stevens John Natives QLD 60.2
6 Burnham Lucas University Of Qld QLD 59.8
7 Slee Nikki University of QLD QLD L 59.6
8 Mayers Jason University of QLD QLD 59.6
9 Samuels Mike Beaudesert QLD V 58.4
10 Hook James Muckadilla QLD 58.3
11 Clarkson Brett Natives QLD 57.3
12 Broom Nikki Pacific QLD L 57.2
13 Lahey Glenn North Arm QLD V T 57.1
14 Marks Ian City of Brisbane QLD V SV 51.2
Sporter - Production Class - Sporter PC
1 Benjamin Douglas Beaudesert 50.8
2 Cundall Ruth Pacific QLD L 50.6
3 Mann Nathan Pacific QLD 50.5
4 Chay Tony Geelong VIC 50.4
5 McDonald Joel Muckadilla QLD 49.5
6 Howard Christopher University Of Qld QLD 49.3
7 Davies Lorretta Pacific QLD L 48.6
8 McDonald Ian Muckadilla QLD V 48.4
9 Sum Jeremy Pacific QLD 43.4